Content Warning

Warning! Warning! Warning!
This work (in this and other blogs of this author) on the true Christian faith and the Truth from the CREATOR GOD, contains sensitive information and is NOT suitable for religious zealots of other religions and system of beliefs. Those members of mankind who have little or no self control and are prone to murderous insanity fueled rages are explicitly forbidden from reading this blog. 

The blog that you are viewing is the discussions of the Christian religion (covenant, faith and worship) of the author and contains contents only suitable for intelligent mature minds sincerely (as opposed in self deception claim to be) seeking for truth about the reality of our existence (life on earth plus the entire Spirit and the physical creation). Children (those below 12 years of age) and all those below the age of twenty or of whatever age of majority (according to the legal definition of their countries of citizenry) not having the full faculty of sound logical minds are advised (and required, if I can actually require anything from anyone) to get their custodial supervising adults' permission before reading or studying materials in this blog as well as anyall of this author's work.

Immature adults who are easily offended and are prone to reactionary emotional tantrums, are also advised against reading material of this work. Likewise mindless religious zealots (aka religious zombies), self righteous bigoted hypocrites and blatantly lying liars of other religious and ‘non’ religious faith who can't handle reality and simple obvious truth should refrain from reading any of this work.

It is not the intention of the author to offend anyone so needless to say this work is not for unbelievers, blatantly lying “sincere” truth seekers (i.e. deliberately stupid ego supergorgers) and all those who are not sincere (i.e. are self deceiving) seekers of truth.

All those who find the true Christian faith recorded in the Holy Christian Scriptures to be ridiculous ideas please read no further. Neither are these writings for those who make the claims or hold themselves to being Christian but are not really interested in and do not really believe the original writings and records of the Christian Holy Scriptures.

The intent of this work is to expound (i.e. discussed in explicative clarity) and highlight (i.e. call attention to) the truth recorded in the Christian Holy Scriptures. It is not the intent of this author to insult anyone or any other belief system. To this end all those who have totally convinced themselves (whether truthfully or in pompous pretense or in self deception) that their belief systems or religions is the only complete truthcontrary to logical rational reasoning, truth and facts, should not be reading any material published by this author. If you hold yourself to be a faithful member of your religion or religious order whatever it may be other than that of the true Christian Faith founded on and through (i.e. established and ordained in) the Everlasting New Covenant Passover made in the BLOOD of the JESUS CHRIST the SON of GOD, and your religion forbid you from inquiring, learning and finding out about other religions, then you should not be reading any of the Christian blogs of this author unless you want to be seriously offended andor insulted, then be my guest as this author is totally against forbidding anyone from exercising their freewill to choose and to decide (as opposed to been instructed, told, ordered, commanded, coerced, threatened, warmed, decreed by some one claiming themselves as the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of God or whatever else) for themselves what they want to do and to say.

A final warning to all who read, ignore this waning to your own peril:
I testify to everyone who reads the testimony of this work: If anyone steals from what is written here to advance themselves andor to twist the words of this work whether in part or in total to advance lies and twisted truths just as the Christmas religion and all the anti-GOD religions in the world today have been doing with the Testimonies and the Word of GOD, may GOD ALMIGHTY multiplies on them sevenfold the punishment that awaits all the wicked on the day when GOD brings every single member of mankind who had ever lived to be judged and punished for all their sins in the DAY OF JUDGEMENT of the ALMIGHTY GOD.

The aims of this blog (as well as all the Christian blogs of this author) are:
1. To publish the truth about the real (as opposed to the numerous false) Christian Covenant, faith and worship (i.e. religion).
2. To expose all the evil religions and ridiculous systems of belief of this world for what they actually are. This is especially so of all those evil religions that claimed and proclaimed their origins to the religion (i.e. covenant, faith and worship) of Abraham the Father of the Faithful.
3. To testify as a witness against the pervasive evils in this current world social order.
4. To testify against all the Elect of GOD who have set themselves to blaspheme (i.e. insult, malign, lessen and diminish) GOD through seeking to promote and advance themselves instead of advancing the true Gospel message and testimony of LORD JESUS.
5. To call on all and sundry to cease their pursuit of evil in the daily ordering of their lives as the righteous SOVEREIGN CREATOR of all things has appointed a Day when HE will judge and punish all mankind for all the evil they had committed in the course and process of their lives.
6. To enlighten and educate all that the message of the Christian Holy Scriptures have always been primary to the people of GOD by Covenant, then after that to the people of GOD according to the promises made to the Father of the Faithful, Abraham. Thirdly these message are also to people of the whole world who are sincerely (i.e. not self deceivingly) and unpretentiously seeking the GOD of the Christian Holy Scriptures. The final targeted audience are to the enemies of GOD, who persecute the people of GOD, warning them that GOD will ultimately avenge the persecution of HIS people and will punish and destroy all these persecutors in the Day of the LORD andor in the Day of the Great Judgment. Therefore this is also one of the purposes of all the Christian blogs by this author.
7. To notify that should any person receive any unsolicited communication or request from any person either claiming to be this author or to be his representative, that claim is completely false. This author does not directly contact (i.e. communicate with) any person unless they either solicit inquiries and feedback, or first initiate the communication. This author will not send out any communication directed to anyone to solicit material support in whatsoever form whether tangible or intangible. Any publication whether online or in other forms not listed by this author here in this blog andor in this author's Google plus account (now no longer available) is not and cannot be from this author and does not have anything at all absolutely to do with this author.