Thursday, March 3, 2011


The New Covenant   [1[    [2]    [3]
Part 1: The Covenant With Noah, Abraham And David
Part 2: The Old Covenant Of The Ten Commandments
Part 3: The New Covenant Of The Passover

One very simple thing which few (if any at all) among those who subscribe (regardless whether they claim themselves as believers or not, or as Christian or not) to the numerous “Christian” religions seem to appreciate, know and understand (i.e. intelligently comprehend) is the concept of covenant. Yet the Christian Holy Scripture is full of accounts of covenants being made, whether these were among men or nations or even of men (includes women) and nations with the ALMIGHTY GOD.

Even less understood, as a matter of fact never understood at all (until discussed in this work), is why did and why would the GOD of all things make covenants with man (includes woman but not babies, toddlers and infants)?

Until this post was published in 2011 C.E, this question was never ever asked or broached (and never mind, understood) by everyall without exceptions, of the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of religion from the ultra mega supreme The Greatest of the greatest all the way to all the lowest least of the lowest least bondservants and slaves of GOD/G-d/ Gods/God-of-whatever-names and religions — particularly and specifically the three main so called Abrahamic religions and even among all those of the Elect of GOD.

This author excluded of course otherwise you won't be reading it here (Psalm 23:14), not that I at any time consider myself to be anything beyond a very common and average member of mankind except that I actually believe in GOD and not just claimed that I do to then believe whatever I lusted to believe (which is what essentially nearly everyone who claims to believe in GOD of today has been doing).

The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, And He will show them His covenant
Psalm 25:14  (Note: the word of the original text translated as 'will show' is ‘yada` [H3045]has the concepts of ‘know, knowing, to know, to understand’ thus in that verse the term carried the meaning of ‘to cause to know’ or ‘to make knownand not ‘to show’ as has been the deliberated stupidity interpretation of most Bible translators.)

The Scripture of Truth stated very clearly the reason why until this work (Psalm 25:14no one else (beginning from the period when the last book, the Book of Revelation was recorded by the last surviving Apostle, the Apostle John, through the time when the whole works of a total sixty-six books were all compiled into one completed book, all the way to until the time when the original texts became available in the work of James Strong in 1890 C.E.) understood.

Not a single proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of the human social order be they: of ingeniously brilliant science, divinely and spiritually enlightened holy; of whatever divine andor spiritual religions; and all the rest of the supremely supreme of whatever they are the supremely supreme of (unless they have read and discovered it discussed in this workeven had the tiniest inkling of a clue why GOD would make covenants with HIS severely limited dust composed creature personages.

This is not to say that the concept of covenants and why GOD would make covenants with any of HIS creatures, needed that contextual conditions (of the original texts becoming generally available) to be met before it could be understood but irrational fear (as it is with all lust seeded and fueled emotions, impetus and drives) of the unknown (from not having sufficient knowledge) and lust of all sorts, generally causes people to become technically insane so they could not (or rather dare not because of functional insanity) think rationally or intelligently.

And the reason has been because none of them truly fear (i.e. have a respectfully and rational fear, as opposed to the lust seeded and fueled irrational phobias of a hell of eternal or forever horrific torment; or of punishing plagues to afflict and torment for the slightest infraction by) GOD.

The Scripture plainly, clearly and explicitly recorded that a person who truly or actually (as opposed to pretend to fear so that evil does not befall them) fear GOD will shun evil (Job 1:1, 8; Proverbs 3:7, 8:13; Psalm 36:1). So all those who do evil do so because they have no real fear of GOD and have not actually been sincerely seeking HIM to be faithfully doing HIS will (Matthew 7:21). Any fear they express is only momentarily but once they can command sufficient power andor impunity wherever they can command sufficient power andor impunity they will to the measure they can command sufficient power andor impunity they will start to express (i.e. communicate including to command and act) the evils that they lusted in their hearts (i.e. every imagination and intent of their thoughts) to express (i.e. communicate includes to command and act).

Their insincerity is very clearly, plainly and explicitly evident in all that (i.e. the massively stupid things that) they poured forth from their lust driven hearts (Matthew 12:34; Luke 6:45) treating the name or term ‘God, as a or the deity’ (or any term to that effect) and the Holy Christian Scriptures (i.e. the information, or rather the misinformation, values but not the knowledge because knowledge is about what is true andor valid) the same way or manner with anything they could get their hands on (not necessarily literally obtain and acquire, but that they can plagiarize, apportion andor hijack) towards advancing (including anything when advanced will advance) themselves and their agenda.

Nor was it ever broached by everyall of the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of the scienceatheism and everyall other mumbo-jumboism, as well as all those in between religious and non religious (i.e. all those who believe in their own personal blend and concoction from everyall and anyall belief systems).

Why would the CREATOR and GOD being the ABSOLUTE OWNER of all things need to make covenants with anyone at all. We make covenants with others to secure some communicated commitments from others to some behaviors, services andor products deliveries, from them and vice versa. GOD who literally and absolutely can create or destroy whatever and all ever HE wants, whenever HE wants (at HIS very whims and fancies) He can literally and absolutely make us behave in any manner or take from us anything including our lives at any time, without even anyone having any hope to resist, just do not have any need for commitments from everyall at all, absolutely.

HE certainly never made any covenants with any of the Spirit composed personages (commonly called Angels, even though the term is more of a job or assignment designation than an attribute or property definition) for the billions to (possibly) trillions of earth years they have all been around, who are by far immensely more superior and powerful to severely limited mankind in nearly every way.

As GOD, the CREATOR OWNER and ABSOLUTE supreme DEFAULT ruling SOVEREIGN over everything without exceptions absolutely (Deuteronomy 10:14; Nehemiah 9:6), GOD certainly has the absolute right, power and authority to rule as HE sees fit doing whatsoever HE desires (Psalm 135:6; Isaiah 46:10; Jeremiah 10:12) and who would be able to question, contend or oppose that? HE doesn't have any need to make covenants with anyone at all, absolutely.

HE can build up and tear down, create and destroy, anything at anytime and all times. GOD could if HE so desired, with less than a single utterance (without so much as a word) wipe the whole Spirit and physical realms or dominions out of existence and recreate them all (Isaiah 65:17; Revelation 21:5) again without even another utterance, as and whenever HE like, as often as HE like.

So why did and why has GOD make promises to, and covenants with man in just less than two thousand years after HE created them? The very fact that GOD did surely must ‘ring a bell’ among those who are both sincere (to seek to know and understand) and intelligent.

This actually explains why no one, not a single person from the time of Moses to this very day, ever wondered to ask why would the ALMIGHTY CREATOR of all things make covenants with severely limited mankind. That is correct, it has been because they have all been either insincere or unintelligent, or both.

This either or both, is especially true vis-a-vis all those in these last two hundred or so years who proclaimed (that is correct. the conviction of them being either or both, stupid andor insincere, then was and still is because they proclaimed) themselves (Matthew 12:36, 35 – 37; Luke 12:47; Matthew 7:22 – 23) as the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of the social order of mankind (regardless whether religious or non religious, or even as both). They have all been without a shadow of a doubt either unintelligent (aka very stupid) or insincere, or both.

But since all of them have been actually quite very intelligent (i.e. have average to above average IQ), that leaves the only possible reason they (i.e. all those who either proclaimed andor presented themselves as these proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of GOD/G-d/Gods/God-of-whatever-names or of the human social order of whatever disciplines and expertise) never wondered or broached the issue, have been because of their insincerity and the resulting deliberated stupidity to the ends that they can gorge their egos to insanity andor to use anyall information (but not knowledge which is about truth and facts, not the lies, ridiculous spins and fantasized inventions proclaimed, being passed off, as divine or spiritual knowledge) from the Scriptures (as well as anyall sources, religious or non religious) selectively selected, to proclaim, decree and command all manner of evils doctrines (infused and decorated with sprinklings of perceived truths, virtues and values of righteousness) that would allow then to gain so as to be able to wield the derived power to be able to rule over (so as to feed as predators and parasites, on) all their zombied minions followers as well as all others they can subjugate, exploit and abuse through the worship (i.e. with questioning obedience) of their zombied minions.

That is correct, they were never really (but were just or mostly just pretending to be) interested in GOD, what HE has been doing and saying (i.e. communicating through HIS Holy inspired Word).

They (just like nearly all those of the Antediluvian Age) were just out to advance themselves and their agenda (i.e. all that they lusted after to possess, to indulge in and to think to them as well as show off how supreme and great they are) and taking the name of or the term, word and name, GOD (Genesis 4:23 – 24, 26 second sentence; 5:29; 6:1 –2, 5 – 7, 11 – 12) and anything they can use, selectively selected then crafted (i.e. twisted with spins and inventions added in) to the agenda they are pushing, from HIS inspired Holy Words in the Scripture of Truth, just so that they can wield it to get people to obey them, to do their bidding and to worship them as some supremely supreme proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of whatever they lusted to be the supremely supreme proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of.

If we were to examine all the doctrines and teachings of (including all others things taught and advanced by) all the religions (including all their variants, offshoots or branch-lets, and breakoffs) claiming to be of the GOD of Abraham (includes Isaac and Jacob) the Father of the Faithful, even those of the last four eras of the Church of GOD (or for that matter in the New Covenant Scriptures among the Apostles and elders of the Church of GOD of the Ephesus era), we will find many of them not just extremely massively and ridiculously stupid but totally blasphemous too. This by the way, is something this work has shown and discussed in explicative clarity, very simply and plainly leaving no room for doubt absolutely such that only those very extremely wicked would continued to deliberately pretend stupidity so they could refuse to see and understand.

The Basis To The Created Reality 

One of the most simple thing to note and understand about our reality (i.e. our universe and all that is in it, us included of course) is in that the entire basis for it to have meaning is in relationship. The context of this in the concept of relationship, is in having an interactive connection of cause and effect. If there is none, our reality will be non functioning and meaningless.

And relationship, interpersonal relationship, has been the same reason GOD created everything, the whole Spiritual (the Third Heaven where GOD has HIS seat of governance) and physical realm (i.e. our universe). The very same reason HE populates the Third Heaven with Angels (i.e. Spirit  composed personages) and the earth with men and women made in HIS image and likeness.

Our brilliant proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of science or boffins as they called themselves, postulated that our universe began as a Big Bang. They then went on to postulated what happened afterwards leading to today.

One thing (or many things if you insist to be rules based hairsplitters) which they all in deliberated stupidity totally ignored, has been why would there be a Big Bang and why would all the things that they postulated happened after the Big Bang until today, happened that way.

Who came up with to defined the specifications that tells the Big Bang to explode or expand (whichever, science had said, is saying and subsequently will say next) and after the exploding or expanding, to do all the things that science proclaimed it (the universe after it was created by the Big Bang) did until the whole universe (and earth) as we know it become what it is today and towards what it will be (and no it won't be the same as today) billion to trillions of years from now?

The one very simple thing which science in total deliberated stupidity (so as to be able to in total massive stupidity proclaimed that the GOD who created all things, is not real but an invention of religion) refused to comprehend is that the universe (from or not from, a Big Bang) was predefined (before the Big Bang or not the Big Bang) to become (after the Big Bang or not the Big Bang) what it is today. Otherwise, why would it become and be, what it is today? Why would it, if it was actually absolutely nothing (as science proclaimed circa 2010 C.E.), spontaneously or not spontaneously, become anything let alone everything, and not remained as absolutely nothing?

If a car (or a house, a plane, an aircraft carrier, a smart phone, a computer, etc.) is not designed with a prior carefully and painstaking worked out detail specifications before it is (i.e. before we can go to the built stage) built, can it be built by just randomly without any intelligence or thought involved, just dumped together pieces of dirt and dust? Can it be build just by collecting a bunch of stuff (sand, rocks, sticks and fire) then throwing them together to be, or to become a car (or whatever) that function as a car was designed to function?

Technically GOD can created everything such that nothing has an effect on anything else, which may even include itself. But such a creation essentially has no meaning. So by the very act of creating the functioning creation filled with separated (yes, separation is required for definition, for there to be definition, and limits and delimiters or boundaries are needed for separation) objects or entities, the very first definition must be in how they will react and interact in their interfaces with others. I shan't go beyond disclosing this here as the discussion on the basis to the created reality is (or rather, will be, because that post is still unpublished) in the post ‘In The Beginning Was The Word’ of the blog ‘The Scripture Of Truth’.

Relationship Is What Reality Is All About

The very first basis for the creation to have meaning and be functioning is all down to their ability to related aka have an effect (by virtue of the attributes of their constructs or properties, and of their constructed functionality) to others and vice versa.

Yes, similarly and by extension it is because of relationships, interpersonal relationships that has been why GOD made covenants with severely limited creature, mankind, to emphasize both on the intent and conduct of all in the covenanted relationship that the attitudes (of all) must first be of honoring to perform all that is agreed to and second towards the conducive good (i.e. the attitude of goodwill aka grace) of all those who are parties to the covenant (see the discussion on the Salt of the Covenant in the post by that name in the blog 'A Christian Pilgrimage' of this work).

Also entering into a covenant without any intention to honor and perform all that is agreed to on your part, or worse with the intention to not honor and perform all that is agreed to by you, from the context of relationship is the most explicitly absolute definition of evil and wickedness as in a deceitful (and treacherous if the agreement has requirement of loyalty, also rebellion if it has requirement of obedience, on your part) thieving, robbing, predatory and parasite intentions.

Covenants are binding (as the commitment by the parties with penalties for failure agreed to) agreements, binding on all parties to the relationships' performances requirement specified in the agreements. GOD being a party to the agreement is also bound (i.e. HE binds or requires HIMSELF to a performance commitment, to show or demonstrate HIS goodwill intentions to those HE called into a covenant with HIM) by what HE promised in the agreement, equally with the man or nations HE made the agreements with.

That has been the reason these agreements are everlasting, they were not made to be broken. But it does not mean they cannot be broken or do not have a duration tenure (the period or duration of validity). A duration tenure can be any duration as specified in the terms. It could be a day, a month, a year, seven years, ten years, forty-nine years, a lifetime (expiring on death of one or both parties) or while a condition is valid or even until a certain condition is met.

As man (includes woman) we sometimes (in some cases, often times) make promises (either willingly or from being coerced by others, or even as some form of transactional trade, seeded in and fueled by our own needs, wants andor lust) in our dealings and communications with our 'neighbors' whether they are our parents, spouses, kids, relatives, friends, associates, colleagues, employers, employees, total strangers, governing authorities and even with our enemies. These we do as a basis of our interpersonal or transaction-based relationship with them whether these are friendly, formal or even unfriendly.

Needless to say most of these promises were made through either being coerced in some form or when we wanted something from them, so it had something to do with making a transaction through an agreement.

Now imagine if we absolutely, completely and totally (without any caveat whatsoever absolutely) own everything and can do exactly what we want (not just having the right absolutely but also the power absolutely) with everyone we deal with and they have no option absolutely but to both fearfully and submissive abide by all that we decree or face the inevitable consequent (such as being harmed in some undesirable ways which include being turned into an automation or some zombie that must do all our biding), do you still think we would need to make promises to them.

That said, I hope that you can begin to understand why GOD made promises in covenants with mankind. If you are still unable to understand then read through to the last installment of this title.

The First Covenant

The Rainbow Covenant is the universal covenant that GOD ordained to deal with all mankind who would rather be lust driven animals than be mankind made in the image and likeness of GOD

The first record, chronologically, in the Christian Bible of a covenant being proclaimed or declared by GOD with mankind, then later put into effect (activated or come in force) was just before (i.e. first proposed or declared and then later instituted and ordained, as in put into or come into effect), The Flood that wiped out all life on land save those that survived, saved through Noah’s Ark.

The official name and title of this Covenant is (yes it is still in effect and binding on all lives that are genealogically descended from those saved in The Ark) the Rainbow Covenant, the rainbow being the sign ( Genesis 9:12 – 14, 16 –17) that testify as a reminder to this very first Covenant GOD made with all mankind living, from the time of Noah's family to today until after the end of the Millennium (Revelation 20:1 – 3, 4, 7 – 9).

The Rainbow Covenant is the universal (applies to all lives on planet earth living on land) covenant that GOD ordained to deal with (Genesis 9:8 – 10) all mankind who would rather be lust driven animals than be mankind made in the image and likeness of GOD (Genesis 1:26 – 27), henceforth until The (Great) Judgment.

It (the conditions and terms spelt out) will be the basis for GOD to bring all mankind who have ever lived (other than those brought back to life to inherit immortal at the First Resurrection) to be judged in The (Great) Judgment (Revelation 20:12).

The first and very necessary (from the context of GOD's purpose for the creation) covenant to apply to all preserved (from the Antediluvian extermination of all life on land) as a reserved token number of mankind to essentially allow for the continuation of the social order of mankind, all given over to the manipulation and sway of Satan the Devil to varying degrees, to this very day until GOD will put an end to the sway of Satan the Devil's at the culmination of Tribulation (Matthew 24:21) at the end of the Day of the LORD (Joel 1:15, 2:31; Isaiah 13:6 – 13 Zephaniah 1:14 – 18) in the Battle of Armageddon (Joel 3:14; Revelation 16:12 – 14, 16).

It allowed for mankind to continue the pursuit of their everyall evil imaginations (Genesis 6:5; 8:21) of their hearts and minds, with the occasional isolated and limited (as opposed to universal or wipe spread) interventional checks by GOD to wipe out those totally sold to evil so as to slow the pace of evil towards the appointed ending at the End of the Age when mankind's knowledge of the creation (i.e. our reality how and why it exist) would have grown to its culmination such that anyone intelligent would be able to fully understand what evil and wickedness is, if they will not deliberately pretend to be stupid (as indeed nearly everyone has been since some around two hundred years ago when this knowledge began to be gain by mankind, to this very day: read the section title (above) ‘The Basis To The Created Realty’ which any person of average intelligent with basic secondary or high school education, can easily fully and completely understand, as the absolute proof).

This (i.e. fully knowing and understanding what evil and wickedness is but continuing on to do and practice evil and wickedness, refusing to repent) is one of the conviction points for their destruction (or extermination) at the End of the Age.

This very first ever covenant GOD made, was made with righteous Noah (and includes all mankind that followed from that generation of Noah's sons and their spouses) and also (as a similitude or Type) with all the beasts of the earth that came out of the Ark with Noah.

These beasts (all land dependent animals, but not those of the waters living their lives in the water) were included in the covenant because they were together with Noah and his family in the Ark, saved from The Flood that destroyed all that lived on land. This was the first reason, GOD bound or placed all life on land to this covenant, because HE spared and persevered them (i.e. their lives and lineage) from the destruction of The Flood.

The second reason is because as GOD has given (i.e. provided as a provision or grant) mankind the earth for their dominion (Genesis 1:26, 28) that all lives of all other livings things were to be subject to mankind, therefore their fate (their lives and lineage) too will be tied to the fate of mankind (their lives and lineage) made of the dust (i.e. physical matter of this earth and the  physical universe) of the shared dominion or common habitat, the planet earth. That was the reason when GOD destroyed all wicked mankind in the Flood, all the animals that had their lives and existence on land too were destroyed.

Hear another parable: There was a certain landowner who planted a vineyard and set a hedge around it, dug a winepress in it and built a tower. And he leased it to vinedressers and went into a far country. Now when vintage-time drew near, he sent his servants to the vinedressers, that they might receive its fruit. And the vinedressers took his servants, beat one, killed one, and stoned another. Again he sent other servants, more than the first, and they did likewise to them. Then last of all he sent his son to them, saying, ‘They will respect my son.’ But when the vinedressers saw the son, they said among themselves, ‘This is the heir. Come, let us kill him and seize his inheritance.’
Matthew 21:33 – 38 

The concept of dominion is that which families, nationhood, and kingdoms are Types (in some similitude). In the Parable of the Wicked Vinedressers, the allegorical illustration of the Promised Land as the inherited dominion through the Covenant made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and subsequently the Old Covenant made at Mount Sinai with the genealogical ancestors of the Jews of the Gospel times, it was made explicitly clear that though given to them as their inheritance, the Promised Land as well as all the earth and all of creation still belongs ultimately to GOD.

Additionally it also illustrated the requirement to honor GOD for our dominion and livelihood (all that we have been given to possess) through paying tithe (i.e. a tenth of the total derived income from the dominion, signified in the fruits from the vineyard in that parable) to HIS appointed (aka anointed) servants (whether Messengers or Prophets) who speak HIS Words and thus assigned to carry HIS authority (Matthew 7:21; John 10:25, 37; 14:10).

The concept of dominion (which is about governing or administrating a given realm or habitat) is also that of a shared fate (a resulting common ultimate consequence that the actions of some, many or all of those sharing the same dominion will bring upon all in the dominion or realm totally, regardless of whether the others have been party to these actions or not). This is a consistent concept in the record of the Christian Holy Scriptures first illustrated in the destruction of the Antediluvian Age, then in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and after that in both the ancient Kingdoms of Israel and Judah whom GOD did not totally exterminated because of HIS purpose for them according to HIS promises to the Biblical (or rather Scripural, because biblical is an invented word that mislead) Fathers remains to be fulfilled.

Then God spoke to Noah and to his sons with him, saying: “And as for Me, behold, I establish My covenant with you and with your descendants after you, and with every living creature that is with you: the birds, the cattle, and every beast of the earth with you, of all that go out of the ark, every beast of the earth. Thus I establish My covenant with you: Never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood; never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.”
And God said: “This is the sign of the covenant which I make between Me and you, and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.” And God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant which I have established between Me and all flesh that is on the earth.”
Genesis 9:8 – 17

The rainbow was specifically chosen as the sign of this first Covenant which GOD made with all those that were saved in the Ark of Noah, because rainbows are related to rain, and rain to floods. This is to make it clear that GOD will never again bring on a worldwide flood to drown all of humankind (Genesis 9:11).

And of course GOD knew that in the time when HE will again act to punish a worldwide wickedness in the human social order, a forty days rain and flood is not going to be able to do the job.

That is why in the soon coming End of the Age, GOD is going to use numerous punishing plagues (as the Actual to the plagues visited on the Egyptians when GOD sent the Prophet Moses to free the Israelite) to destroy ninety percent of humankind living in the period of the Tribulation through the Day of the LORD to the Battle of Armageddon. Also will be destroyed during the soon coming End of the Age will be all the sea and river creatures which were not affected by the first annihilations of live on land by the Flood. The reason for the destruction of life in the waters in the coming End of the Age is (very obvious by today) because the wickedness and irresponsible recklessness of mankind had led to the waters being heavily polluted.

What we should particularly note about this very first covenant GOD made with mankind:

1. It was made with righteous Noah and his three sons (include their wives) and covers only matters pertaining to their physical lifetime and lineage, with promises (for mankind's continuity) that were only of a physical nature ('for perpetual generations' as opposed to, for perpetuity) and not of a spiritual (i.e. pertaining to the Spirit realm or dominion) nature such as: of an immortal soul that cannot die and will go either to hell or heaven when the person dies; or of eternal life (such as the Spirit Angels) and immortality (of GOD's HOLY SPIRIT).

It was a general (rather than the specific, which is with just one person or a specific group of people) covenant between GOD and all that came out of the Ark having been spared by GOD from the extermination of The Flood. (A special note should be made that only Noah, his sons and their wives were all of mankind saved from The Flood, there were no other member of mankind who somehow miraculously, para-normally or magically survived The Flood because when GOD act to wipe out all, all will be wiped out).

The Flood was GOD's act specifically to wipe out all mankind living in that age sparing only Noah, his family (i.e. spouse, children and their spouse) and all the land based animals that GOD saved through the Ark.

Therefore nothing else (that had their lives and existence on land) survived because GOD's is indeed all powerful contrary to all the lust seeded doctrines of all religions (includes even all the Elect when they chose to ego gorge themselves to insanity) which proclaimed their god/gods as so called all powerful but very clearly in their doctrines showed him/them to be near totally powerless and also just as massively stupid as they all are.

When you are massively stupid, and you invent your own god/gods these god/gods which you invent will be as massively stupid as you. Naturally, as the massively stupid, so too anything at all that they make up will be massively stupid too.

It is a very simple thing, the ideas and concepts (including all else) that you say or communicate, expose (Matthew 12:34your lack of intelligence andor sanity (i.e. your massive stupidity and insanity) will be exposed.

This actually completely exposes all the god/gods (and also all religions) proclaimed by the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of religions including the so called Abrahamic religionsto be just from their inventions, twisting with spins added in, whatever they had learned from others, whether directly or through their writings, including from even the Scripture of Truth whether the original texts or the heavily interpreted.

Obviously when you are a total massive moron then the god/gods you proclaimed (including all else that you may proclaim, pronounce, declare, decree and assert) cannot be anything else but exactly as massively stupid as you totally are because you invented them (Matthew 12:34).

This means that all land based (those that depended on land to survive as opposed living in the water, for their lives and lineage) animals are bound by this Covenant.

But most importantly, it binds all mankind, to the requirement of this Covenant that forbids the harming (from the context of doing evil against others of which is the conceptual Type is of not shedding the blood of other human beings, except to mete out justice against those who shed blood, meaning those who harm others) any other members of the mankind regardless of whether they believe in (i.e. have a covenanted relationship with) or not believe in (i.e. do not have a covenanted relationship with) GOD.

Again no doubt all the deliberately stupid massive morons will retort that GOD only forbid the shedding of blood (i.e. murders), nothing more and nothing else, to blaspheme GOD that HE did not forbid (i.e. HE permitted) rapes, thefts, robbery, fraud, identity thefts, kidnapping, torture (as long as blood is not shed) and a hosts of other evils carried out to harm others. Then pretend to understand that shedding of blood means killing someone (aka murders) so as to be able to proclaimed themselves to be not massive morons, going totally into rules based hairsplitters mode to not understand that there are numerous ways to commit murder without the shedding of even one drop of blood.

2. It also included all the animals (‘all that go out of the ark’) that came out of the Ark with them. The reason for this is found in Genesis 1 verse 28. In that verse, GOD gave mankind dominion over all the creatures on planet earth. Please understand the term dominion does not equate to ownership, but is that of having authority, of power authority to rule over. All things belong to GOD (Exodus 19:5; Leviticus 25:23; Job 1:20 – 22, 41:11: Psalm 50:10 – 12; Genesis 9:5; Exodus 32:34; Matthew 12:36; Deuteronomy 32:35), GOD does not at anytime give up HIS right of ownership over all things that HE created. If HE had given the rights of ownership to anyone, can HE then still claimed they are all HIS?

Therefore the grant of dominion (i.e. power dominion) to mankind over all the creatures of planet earth is that of a grant to use (with the obligatory responsibility, answerable to GOD that is why it was recorded that GOD will require an account of everyone who have ever lived Genesis 9:5; Luke 11:51, 12:48; Matthew 12:36); and not a right to own absolutely.

Dominion essentially is about power dominion (i.e. power to rule, not power to own) and definitely not a right to own. The given dominion is a responsibility to tend and care for, which was the also reason for the eviction from the Garden of Eden because Adam and Eve failed their responsibility and thus lost their privilege of access to the Tree of Life, it was not a so called fall from grace.

Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.
Genesis 2:15

Given dominion over the planet earth, mankind, from the Antediluvian Age to today, has consistently failed the responsibility to take good care of it. For this reason the Antediluvian Age were (nearly) all exterminate. The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah (similar to the eviction from the Garden of Eden) were both on separate occasions, evicted too because they failed to responsibly honor and keep their covenant with GOD which gave them the Promised Land as their inherited dominion.

The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come, And the time of the dead, that they should be judged, And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints, And those who fear Your name, small and great, And should destroy those who destroy the earth.
Revelation 11:18

And failing to be responsible by mankind's dominion over the earth is something this planet has been testimony to from when mankind was first placed on this planet until today. The responsibility of dominion is the reason GOD will require an accounting from all mankind who ever lived for how we make use of all the things that belong to GOD. But please note that the term translated into the English word ‘mine’ of the Christian Bible, were used in several different context when used by the Scriptures.

3. It did not include the creatures of the seas and waters, the aquatic or water based creatures because they were not party to those that were preserved and saved in and through the Ark.

The other reason for excluding them is because in a future destruction of life on the planet earth at the end of the Age of Man, GOD is going to wipe out all the creatures in the sea and in all the body of waters. This destruction will be (or rather has been) made necessarily by the reckless and irresponsible evils (in polluting the rivers and seas irreversibly harming all the life in them) of mankind from after The Flood, until this would become necessary for the seas to be ‘healed’.

Because this first destruction or annihilation of life is by water (i.e. drowning by water), it should be obvious that the creatures that live in water would not be harmed.

Here is something about this soon coming End of the Age, why (i.e. the reason for) all life in the water (i.e. oceans particularly but includes other large body of waters) will be wiped out (aka exterminated) which until this last hundred years could not be understood.

Today we have seen our oceans poisoned and polluted to a level that the entirety needed to be renewed as happened in Genesis 1 to the entire earth.  So this covenant aka the Rainbow Covenant is (and has been) binding on all those that came out the Ark, both mankind and all creatures of the earth (Genesis 9:8 – 10) with GOD promising through the Rainbow Covenant not to again destroy them all. But this promise (as a term or condition to this covenantdoes not apply to those of the seas and waters as they were not party to this Rainbow Covenant.

4. It was not an unconditional promise without terms or requirements binding on Noah or all his descendants and lineage (meaning all of mankind descended from them) and also GOD to what HE promised in this covenant.

5. It was for their perpetual generations (Genesis 9:12), the continuity of their physical genealogical lineage. This was a tenure of the promise by GOD. This was not a performance requirement but duration term or tenure. The duration tenure began at the time all those preserved in Noah's Ark exited from it back to land. The tenure will end after Satan the Devil will be released to again sway all the rest of mankind but excluding the Elect at that time domiciled in the Promised Land.

There were three specific explicit terms or conditions (Genesis 9:4 – 7). And there was a visible or discernible sign as the signature to attest to this covenant ‘perpetually’ as a reminding commemoration or remembrance.

6. It was an everlasting covenant (Genesis 9:16). This meant that GOD has no intention to break the covenant. But it did not mean that the covenant cannot be broken because the breaking or voiding of a covenant is when any one or more partied to it failed to keep (i.e. perform) their covenanted required performance according to the terms (i.e. requirements) of the covenant.

It also did not mean there was no ending tenure or duration to the covenant. The term everlasting does not contradict the ‘perpetual generation’ tenure (John 10:35) that the covenant will be valid and binding throughout their (physical or fleshly) genealogical lineage, as in for as long as their genealogical lineage is perpetuated.

It also highlighted the fact that GOD will never be the ONE to break HIS covenant but that does not mean that the covenant cannot be broken (Isaiah 24:5) or be made void by the other parties to the covenant not honoring (i.e. breaking through not performing and abiding to) their commitments, the commitments their have agreed to perform (in this case implicit in that they obeyed and entered the Ark so as to be saved rather than refused to enter, a choice to obey or to disobey, they had to make before they would be saved and preserved).

7. What was not written (which are implicit to the whole account) within those quoted verses were some events that happened before that led to GOD to making this covenant and promise. And that was in Genesis chapter 6 verses 8 to 9 and verse 22 also chapter 7 verse 5 and verses 7 to 9.

Prior to expressing HIS intentions of establishing this covenantGOD commanded Noah to build an Ark according to HIS specifications and to fill it with Noah's family and at least a pair of all the animals (of the ‘clean’ animals there were to be seven pairs). Then HE commanded them to enter the Ark and shut them in (Genesis 7:16) before HE sent the flood to drown out that wicked and perverse generation.

So we can see that there was a performance or an act of faith (a trust that obeys) expressed through obedience and the corresponding worship or respectful acknowledgement of (i.e. the appropriate attitude towards) GOD (Genesis 8:20) before the covenant was announced (made by GOD pronouncement of HIS intention to enter into it).

8. An implicit requirement was that Noah was found (Genesis 7:1) to be righteous by GOD. That however does not mean that Noah had never sin at any point of his life. To understand this point you will need to understand what righteousness is from GOD's perspective. This I have elaborated on and explained in the chapter, ‘Self righteousness and the Righteousness of GOD’. The chapter ‘GOD IS’ also elaborated on this subject.

9. This righteousness requirement is implicit to everyone, individually and personally, with whom GOD directly made covenants.

This is from a Spiritual context. In the physical (as opposed to Spiritual) context where the covenants are indirect and are as and through the extension with that made with the heads of the family or tribes or nations there is no such pre-requirement. This is because the head of the family and nation with whom GOD made the covenant had honored, abide by and kept the covenant throughout their lifetime fulfilling their part entirely, therefore GOD will also fulfill HIS end.

That is the reason there is no such prerequisite for the descendants of the promise because it came about from an extension of GOD's promises to those who had been faithful to HIM. But that does not mean that the righteous requirement (of not doing evil) and the requirement to obey GOD is not a requisite going forward.

The requisite still remains, the requirement to not break the Covenant or agreement, made by their parents and fore parents with GOD. This is because of them inhabiting as their home land the Promised Land is the basis to this Covenant.

A simple analogy of this is in citizenship where one's foreparents enter into to become a citizen of some (but not all) nations where a pledge, undertaking or oath (wherever these may apply) to uphold the laws and be loyal to the nation (as a geographical and political entity) needed to be made by those seeking to become citizen.

Those (of the foreparents seeking such) made the agreement (usually in an oath) but their progenies are born citizens (by virtue of their parents citizenry) and commonly were not required to undertake the same process but that does not mean they can break the laws and be disloyal.

The symbolic analogy of foreigners (as those not already the citizenry), those who are entering into a kingdom towards the ends of becoming its citizens and subjects, or even those joining some association or alliances,  needing to swore an oath or make a pledge of allegiance) was the one of the main reasons the Biblical fathers of Abraham with Isaac and Jacob by extension, were called out from where they were domiciled (Genesis 12:1) and citizen/subjects of, to become sojourners as those living temporary in the land that they are not the subject or citizenry of.

No doubt in a world social order where near everyone are basically only functionally sane aka functional insanity (i.e. technically insane if not for the need of self preservation) most to nearly all (including all those in position of political governance) have totally no clue where all sort of utter ridiculousness have been taking place (i.e. implemented) when it comes to comprehending this basic concept to citizenry and social order (as opposed to total disorder and chaos).

GOD is righteous and HE required everyone to deal righteously with one another and even more importantly with HIM. HE certainly will not deal with the unrighteous except to act to destroy them, which is precisely what HE did with the Antediluvian Age and the ancient Israelite (includes the Jews) after they had persistently and consistently proven their unfaithfulness and duplicity in not honoring but instead breaking their covenants with HIM by which they inherited the Promised Land.

That was the reason for Noah the tenth from Adam, to be righteous. GOD directly lead him, as too were the case with Abel and Enoch. So then GOD first raise up righteous Abel to the ends that he would be murdered by his own older brother to show as lesson, that the sons of wickedness cannot co-exist with the sons of righteousness, the wicked will (given the time, situation and opportunities) murder the righteous.

The same lesson was in Enoch, the seventh from Adam, who too was also about to be murdered by the wicked for his testimonies against them. But GOD spared him seeing death at their hands and took him.

So truth fails,
And he who departs from evil makes himself a prey.
The Redeemer of Zion
Then the Lord saw it, and it displeased Him
That there was no justice.
16 He saw that there was no man,
And wondered that there was no intercessor;
Therefore His own arm brought salvation for Him;
And His own righteousness, it sustained Him.
Isaiah 59:15 – 16

Noah, GOD raised up to the ends that through righteous Noah, GOD would preserve the family of mankind made in HIS image and likeness, so that HIS purpose for creating them who stand, will continue to be realized in the fulness of time in JESUS CHRIST. Through righteous Noah GOD then entered in the Rainbow Covenant that through Noah's progenies HE would preserve the family of mankind until the fulness of the time when HE would sent the righteous LORD JESUS to be their REDEEMER and SALVIOR.

No one sane would want to enter into any agreement with anyone who will not honor the agreement. GOD is far from being insane contrary to the evil blasphemous doctrines and teachings of all the so called Abrahamic religions and even those by the lust driven ego mega maniacs among the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives among the Elect, the true Christians.

Yet if you have not be massively stupid, you would have noted that has been what GOD is doing. GOD have continued to look for good is us and almost without exception only finding evils continually.

First there was Adam and Eve who betrayed the trust of GOD and took what was forbidden. Then the entirety of the Antediluvian Age and after that to this very day, all the rest of mankind have continued on this evil path of unfaithfulness, treacheries and rebellion. Exactly as self seeking self gratifying animals without the intelligence mankind have continued to repay evil for the good that GOD wants us to have.

The Lord looks down from heaven upon the children of men,
To see if there are any who understand, who seek God.
They have all turned aside,
They have together become corrupt;
There is none who does good,
No, not one.
Psalm 14:2 – 3

But GOD already knowing all this, it is to GOD purpose that GOD ordained and entered into the Covenants with mankind to highlight the insanity fueled self expedient lust driven psyche of mankind (as it true with most of the creature personages) and HIS grace towards us because of HIS purpose for us. No doubt those with who GOD entered into a covenant originally were all the faithful righteous but by the extension of the covenant to the descendants (or progenies) the eventuality is that the faithfulness of the original party is not reflected.

Yet that despite ourselves GOD wants and purposes good for us. To this end HE will ultimately bring us about to become faithful to HIM. This essentially is the entire records of the Holy Christian Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation, how despite ourselves GOD will perfect and complete us in the ordained process and timeline by which HE is preparing us for a forever with HIM. Just that it is not everyone, some will ultimately fail because they lusted too uncontrollably. And truth be told there may some of these who are reading this right now, and that someone may be you if you are the one who won't heed the call to repentance.

10. Another key prerequisite for a personage to have a direct personal covenant with GOD to establish a relationship with GOD, is the requirement for obedience and being subject to GOD, accepting GOD as their GOD. GOD does not make covenant with those who do not accept HIM as their GOD. GOD is the CREATOR and OWNER of everything and HE does not compromise with the fact that HE IS WHO HE IS (Exodus 3:14). No one can enter into a relationship with GOD without accepting GOD as their GOD and SOVERIGN OWNER.

The whole of professed Christianity just have no clue what accepting JESUS as their SAVIOR means (Romans 6:16) or what entering into a covenant with GOD means. If they do they would not be advocating the doing away with the need to honor, keep, obey and perform all of GOD's commandments and all the things HE instituted and ordained exactly as HE had instituted and ordained them, without adding to or taking away from them (Deuteronomy 12:32; Ecclesiastes 3:14; Proverbs 30:6; Revelation 22:18 - 19) or twisting them (Psalm 56:5; 2 Peter 3:16) and changing them (Jeremiah 2:11; Romans 1:25; 1 John 1:6).

Here is a question for the masters and disciples of the Christmas religion: can you upon entering into a contract through the signing of a binding contractual agreement then after the execution or activation of the agreement decide on your own reasoning, which agreed terms and conditions to keep and which to throw out, and what other additional terms to add and which to do away with (Deuteronomy 12:32)? Can you on your own whims and fancies decide to change the main signatory terms and any other terms in the executed and activated agreement as and when you see fit.

Would the contractual agreement still be valid and binding on the other parties when you won’t keep to the terms as stipulated and agreed upon where a performance andor a delivery (aka a conformance) is required on your part? Go asked any lawyer and any judge whether you can do so.

This of course brings us to the second reason why GOD would make covenants with HIS created property, severely limited mankind. And this second reason is one of the main reasons why there was a Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden. Here is the question then, would anyall of the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of religion and knowledge (of whatever knowledge disciplines) know what this second reason to be? How about you, the reader, reading this, would you know the second reason GOD makes covenants with HIS creatures, mankind?

Any religion that proclaims itself as the most original, most up to date, most true, most faithful andor most supremely authentic religion of Abraham the Father of the Faithful but yet totally have no clue andor understanding (as evidence in all that which they expressed in their teachings and doctrines) of this very first Covenant ordained and made by GOD with all mankind descended from the family of Noah saved in the Ark, can only be a lying, plagiarizing, identity stealing fraudulent murderous, impostor.

This first covenant marked the point going forward when any man (includes woman) seeking a relationship with GOD as their GOD would need to enter into additional, separate covenant(s) instituted and ordained by GOD with GOD in order to do so. This one single point alone makes all the so called Abrahamic religions (other than the one true Church of GOD in the New Everlasting Covenant) and also all other religions claiming to believe in the GOD of Abraham or JESUS CHRIST of the Scripture Gospel accounts to be fraudulent plagiarizing identify thieves and imposters.

In allowing the bulk of mankind to be the animals or beasts (from the context of not recognizing and submitting to GOD as the CREATOR OWNER of all) they all lusted to be, this covenant also has been the reason the people of GOD (all those who entered into a covenant whereby they accept GOD as their SOVEREIGN OWNER) has never been a significant number in the world human population or have sovereignty over a large land area (relatively to the total land area of earth).

This is just consistency, as to allow mankind to be animals in not accepting GOD means the knowledge of GOD and the government of GOD on earth must not have a major defining influence on the development of the social order of mankind throughout.

That had been why the ancient Kingdoms of Israel and Judah only occupied a tiny land area and made up only a tiny population of the earth at the time.

Similarly, true Christian from the time of the Apostles to this very day are only a tiny insignificant percentage (even less relatively and also absolutely than during the time of the ancient Kingdoms of Israel and Judah) of the world population throughout until the duration just before the Tribulation through the Day of LORD where the numbers will increased greatly but still a tiny insignificant percent of the world population.

The Concept Of Ownership

Of the most deliberately misunderstood concepts of the Scripture of Truth there is none more deliberately misunderstood than the concepts of GOD as the CREATOR and OWNER of all thing. 

Every single member of mankind today (as has been since the last hundred years through 2011 to 2015 C.E.) whether the billions of ordinary citizenry or all the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of knowledge, enlightenment, magnificent supreme intelligence andor wisdom irrespective of whatever beliefs system and religions they subscribe to andor who they are the ultra mega supreme “faithful” followers discipleship of, they all chose to be deliberately stupid when its comes to what these very simple concepts mean as expression of reality.

By deliberately refusing to understand these five simple things, is it any small wonder that they equally have been totally unable to understand things as simple as: the concepts as good and evil; righteousness and justice; fair and appropriate; love and lust; sins and death (or the death penalty); repentance, mercy and forgiveness; and law and grace.

And without understanding all these simple concepts there is no way they would ever be able to understand the concept of an all powerful, all knowing and all everywhere GOD who is loving, righteous, just, absolutely intelligently wise and all powerful who created everything that exist and HE therefore absolute owned them all.

And not really (i.e. truly and validly) understanding any of these, how then can they ever be able to read to then comprehend what the Scripture of Truth recorded and testified to?

To back up this disclosure (or assertion, to all those who willfully refused to believe anything that is disclosed in this work) let us present some very simple absolute without a shadow of doubt proofs.

Here then (in the next few following paragraphs) are the absolute without a shadow of doubt proofs that every single member of mankind today from as far back as when the Christian Holy Scriptures became available in the Christian Bible; the millions to billions of the mankind including all the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of knowledge, enlightenment, magnificent supreme intelligence andor wisdom irrespective of what beliefs system and religions they subscribe to andor are the followers discipleship of, that they all chose to be deliberately stupid when its comes to all these simple concepts taught in and by the Scripture of Truth.

Today (as per the first publishing of this discussion) with a world population of over seven billion (with around a third being pre adults of below twenty years) there are over three and a half billion people (as according to the statistical collection and researching organizations) who claimed to believe in the GOD of Abraham the Father of the Faithful andor JESUS CHRIST (as whatever they believe HIM to be), or both.

All these naturally exclude all those (estimated to be around 850 million) who are what is today termed (among some of the statistic collecting and researching communities or organization) as skeptics of religion (all those who believe there is no such thing as any Creator God whether intelligent or not), lumping all those who are secular, atheists, agnostics and others that don't believe in any spirit or supernatural reality, dominion or realm unless these supernatural paranormal and magical reality are those that are from science.

Skeptics actually are more the disbelievers of the so called Abrahamic religions concept of a monotheistic God. Among their ranks (of an estimate 850 million) there are quite a fair number (no statistic available) who actually believe in some concepts of a creationary force whether as a singularity or universal plurality.

Then there are all those who are not of the above two categories who believe in and also worship other things as deities or as some powerful force (whether as a collective plural or a singular entity) that is able to influence andor affect their lives in some crucially important ways.

So then all together we have over seven billion people alive today who believe in something or other, but none of them, not a single one of them (and yes that include many to near all of the Elect, the true Christian by the Everlasting Covenant), understand the most basic of the concepts of an all powerful, all knowing and all everywhere GOD who is loving, righteous, just, absolutely intelligently wise and all powerful (please note that I intentionally mentioned all powerful twice and also repeatedly, for a specific purpose).

This is just very simple. If they had understood then they would not have believed in to then totally attest to and boast in all the ridiculous things they deliberately pretend to be stupid so that they can believe in them and subscribe to them, then to brazenly boast of and about themselves as the believers and subscribers of these ridiculous beliefs.

Because if they had understood then they would have both comprehend and understand just how in total contradictions these beliefs are, all those ridiculous things they both believe in and subscribe to. They would then perceive and know that only those who are either total morons andor absolutely technically insane would believe in and subscribe to all these beliefs which are both ridiculous and totally contradictory to the known reality.

Then they all would (or should anyway) have totally understood exactly what evil is, exactly what technical insanity is and exactly what ego gorging is. And if they had understood exactly what all these are, then they would (or should anyway) have not wanted to indulge in them much less to brazenly boast and strut around in them.

And they too would have understood that the only reason they believed in and subscribed to all these ridiculous and even explicitly and brazenly, blatantly evil beliefs and religions, is only because they (i.e. specifically all those who subscribe to, then boast and strut around in these evil beliefs and religions) lusted to, lusted to the extent that they would deliberately pretend to be stupid in order that they can deceive themselves into believing these evil and ridiculous things they lusted to believe in, subscribe to and strut around in so that they can supergorge their egos.

No doubt the disputers, scoffers and mockers will assert that it is a preposterous thing to claim people do not understand something when these people were never ever put in the place to consider them or were never faced with a need to consider them at anytime in their life process. And no doubt all those who would willfully refuse to believe anything testified to and disclosed here or even those by the Christian Holy Scriptures or both, they will all totally agree.

But regardless and regardless (and yes I know both words mean the exact same thing) whether anyone or no one believes, I shall as I always have done, prove and expose all these doubters, scoffers, mockers and disbelievers for the lust driven deliberately pretending stupid ego supergorgers that they really are.

First and foremost we can exclude the three and half to four billion professed believers in the so called Abrahamic religions from this group of so called ‘never ever been put in the place to consider or were never faced with a need to consider at anytime in their life process the concept of an all powerful, all knowing and all everywhere GOD who is loving, righteous, just, absolutely intelligently wise and all powerful.

This needs no explanation (but will be explained anyway) as when you believe in an all powerful, all knowing and all everywhere GOD who is loving, righteous, just, absolutely intelligently wise and all powerful, you must understand the concepts of all those words and the concept of such a GOD. Because if you don't then what the heck are you actually believing in? And if you do not really know what the heck it is you are believing and strutting around in, would not that amount to you being a brazen, blatant, explicit liar, a total moron or a stark raving mad person, or of being all three?

That will leave us with some three and half to four billion people still to consider, right? Well, not exactly, we do not have to consider them all but just a much smaller number.

That is right we just need to consider only those who would really matter. And these will be the most ultra supremely mega brilliantly intelligent geniuses brightest minds of the humankind, those who are all the definitive shakers, shifters, movers, shapers and makers proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of the social norm in the human social order, irregardless of whatever belief system and religions they subscribe to and believe in.

Do any of these even remotely have any clue as to what is the actual reality concept of an all powerful, all knowing and all everywhere GOD who is loving, righteous, just, absolutely intelligently wise and all powerful?

Obviously not, if they have then they would have totally understood exactly what evil is, exactly what technical insanity is and exactly what ego gorging is. And if they had understood exactly what all these are, then they would have not wanted to indulge in them much less to brazenly boast and strut around in them as if they are most ultra mega greatest supreme intelligently enlightened over all others. 

And they too would have understood that the only reason they believed in and subscribe to all these ridiculous and even explicitly and brazenly massively moronic (not to mention evil) beliefs and religions, is just plainly, clearly and simply because they lusted to, lusted to the extent that they would deliberately pretend to be stupid in order that they can deceive themselves into believing them, all these things they lusted to believe in and subscribe to.

“But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”
Daniel 12:4

So then if all the brightest minds of the human social order, the shifters, shakers, movers, shaper and makers (and yes included too are all the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives among GOD's Elect from the greatest and lowest Apostles to Messengers to the Church of GOD, the last and therefore the first, meaning greatest) of the human social order of today and especially of today when the world order of mankind is filled to overflowing with knowledge of all kinds (especially of history, politics, religions, warfare, economics, science, technology, medicine, industry, academia, relationship, fantasy, mankind, evolution, microbial, plant and animal life, the universe and reality), do not understand all these simple things, would it then be rational and reasonable to conclude that all the rest of the common masses of mankind would somehow be better than and smarter than and more intelligent than all these proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives, and be able to understand?

This is especially considering that all these masses (whether or not they also consider themselves to be the best of the best, most ultra mega supreme proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of knowledge of the social order of mankind) have all their lives been just focused on pursuing after all that they lusted after and would not hesitate even for a nanosecond to spew forth andor reach out their hands (i.e. seek) to carry out anyall types and manners of evils whenever and if ever it becomes expedient for them to do so especially when knowing that they can get easily and completely get away it.

Among all those who claimed to believe in a Creator God or of some intelligent entity (whether zero, one, two, three or some general plurality of all things), some to most (especially those between three to four billions as of 2015 C.E. who claimed to believe in the GOD of Abraham the Father of the Faithful) hold to the thinking and belief that this God is (or these Gods either individually or collectively, are) all powerful (omnipotent), all knowing (omniscience) andor additionally also all everywhere (omnipresence).

But if we were to examine all their explicit and implicit teachings, doctrines and dogma, we will find that either they are clueless as to what they believe in or they are just outright ridiculously and preposterously stupid. This is because their dogma, doctrines and teachings all have their God or Gods expressed as nearly totally powerless, incredibly stupid and totally nowhere to be found where it would matter for these God or Gods of theirs to be there.

And if you think this work can be believed, you would (or should anyway) know that all these people (who claim to believe in these God andor Gods who are all powerful, all knowing and all everywhere) are neither clueless nor stupid at all but in fact quite intelligent with some of them even brilliantly from genius to super genius level (based on the standard IQ measurement) intelligent.

But because they lust after all that their lusted after so uncontrollably they have deliberately chosen to be stupid to the point of technical insanity so they can claim to believe in something they very clearly don't actually truly believe in for no other reason than so that they will be able to lust after all that they lusted to lust after, of which their main and primary lust is to mega super gorge their egos so that they can feel that they (and their ego extension or proxification selves) are the most supremely ultra mega superlative wisest, holiest, purest, lowliest, highest and intelligent over everyone else.

Why else would and how else would, anyone sane so totally lied to themselves so that they can convince themselves that they believe in something they obviously don't. 

Plain and simple, you can't believe in something you know nothing true about, and worse totally have no clue about. Because this translates as you totally lying to yourself that you believe in the something whatever it is when the truth is you would just believe anything at all for any reason at all as long as it suits (i.e. is expedient for) you.

If you claimed to believe in the absolute CREATOR GOD of all things and claimed that this CRETAOR GOD is (because if He isn't then He isn't and can't be the absolute Creator God of all things), all powerful, all knowing and all everywhere but totally have no notion what those concepts meant, you can only be one or two things, or both. You are either an absolute moron or stark raving technically insane, or both.

But this is not even the half of it.

Today in this technological age of knowledge and communication, all the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of knowledge (all kinds of knowledge real and fantasized) and enlightenment (whatever it is they are ultra mega super supremely enlightened about) none of them not just don't understand the most basic thing about all powerful, all knowing and all everywhere (i.e. omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence), they also do not understand the most basic thing about ownership, what is meant by GOD being the absolute (because there is no one else other than GOD who is the) CREATOR of all things and HE therefore is the absolute OWNER of all things (HE created).

No doubt all these proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of knowledge (all kinds of knowledge real and fantasized) and enlightenment (whatever it is they are ultra mega super supremely enlightened about) will scoff, mock and ridicule this assertion (i.e. revelation or exposé) that they do not understand all these very simple things.

But now, O Lord, You are our Father; We are the clay, and You our potter; And all we are the work of Your hand.
Isaiah 64:8

Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?
Romans 9:21

GOD is the OWNER of everything by virtue of the fact HE created them all, brought them into existence. And as the OWNER of all things absolutely HE can literally do to them or with them anything HE wants to. So more that the power that a potter have over the clay to make what he so wishes with it, GOD has absolute power over everything that HE created to do as HE wishes with them. For the potter did not create the clay but just make use of what GOD has created, yet he could do as he wish with the clay.

So why then would GOD the ultimate and absolute CREATOR of all things needs to make covenant with mankind? HE doesn't need to, so why has HE done so?

Number One: To show HIS purpose for mankind that HE has placed mankind as on an equal footing to HIM (just not literally as HIS equal but as a KING with HIS subjects or citizenry) treating us more as HIS neighbors (of those sharing a common dominion or realm, or living habitat) rather than something HE literally owned and can deal with any how just as HE pleases, that we may understand HIS grace towards us and HIS purpose for us is much more that just being HIS property.

Number Two: To highlight that there is a requisite and requirement of behavior and conduct from us, in that with a covenant there will be obligated performances and deliverables the failure to meet (i.e. to perform and to deliver) will have serious and severe consequences. And this is the righteousness requirement, that we conduct ourselves in righteousness at all times in our dealings with HIM as our GOD, as well as with one another. 

Number Three: To test us to expose our wickedness, massive stupidity and functional insanity due to our uncontrolled lusting after all manner of things that we may all be convicted. And being convicted we will need HIS mercy and forgiveness. This is so that no one will think of themselves as some sort of proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives that GOD totally must wait for to be born so that HE can use them to salvage HIS purpose of mankind as has been the massively stupid ego megalomaniacs doctrine of (implicitly) the Apostle Paul and (explicitly) the first Messenger to the Church of GOD in Philadelphia. Yes it is so that all knees will and bend (Romans 14:11; Philippians 2:10) and no one will boast before GOD that he is some one great of GOD who is greater than GOD. That all will walk humbly before GOD (Psalm 51:17) and tremble as HIS Word.

That is the reason in the GOD ordained and instituted Marriage Covenant, GOD made the husband the owner of everything that is in his household: his wives, children, bond servants, livestock, literally everything, as the property of the man and husband. The Marriage Covenant is the archetype or model for GOD's covenanted relationship with mankind to recognize HIM as their GOD, SOVEREIGN, MASTER and OWNER.

And also GOD allowed slavery for the same reason. That we might know the concept of being someone's property.

Today with nearly all knowledge of our existential reality, from near all aspects of life on earth, to that of near all aspects of our universe already in the hands of science, yet for some strange reasons when it comes to basic concepts of reality especially those relating to conduct and behavior (i.e. right and wrong, good and evil, justice and fairness), all of our ultra mega super supreme shifters, shakers, movers, shapers and makers of the social order have all gone totally berserk, all have lost their freaking minds in order that they be able to gorge their egos to the maximum.

( — Please note that the sections 'Justice' and 'The Salt Of The Covenant' has been removed from this post and will be published soon as two separate posts in the blog 'A Christian Pilgrimage' of this work — )

The Rainbow Covenant.

This very first Covenant which GOD made with Noah and all that came out of the Ark that saved them from the drowning of the Antediluvian Flood, can be called the Rainbow Covenant whereby GOD declared (and committed or bound HIMSELF) that HE would not again bring another flood to destroy all life on land. This was the first recorded instance in the Scriptures where we find the unlimited ABSOLUTE OWNER of all things, actually limited HIMSELF binding HIMSELF (because HE is righteous, just and faithful), obligating HIMSELF to both do and not do some things.

And no, this act does not make GOD contradictory; nor caused HIM to contradict HIMSELF. If anything, this act actually testified to and affirmed HIS righteousness and faithfulness (i.e. trustworthiness) fully exposing all the evil so called Abrahamic religions for their implicit and explicit blasphemies.

Some may deliberately erroneously acclaimed and proclaimed” in order to declare that this was an unconditional promise of this covenant “since there was no requirement” for performance on the part of the animals or mankind. But to those who know how to read the Bible (i.e. those who truly believe in GOD and really believe GOD as oppose to all those who declare that they believe in GOD then just pretend to believe GOD) it was very clear the conditions were stipulated in Genesis chapter 9 verses 4 to 6. The sign of the rainbow is a reminder that GOD will not bring another flood to drown out all life on land but that does not mean that GOD will not punish mankind by some other means if they do not honor HIS requirements to refrain from ‘shedding man's blood’ (Genesis 9:5 - 6).

Now if you really know how to read the Holy Christian Scriptures (meaning that you are able to understand what you have read) you would know the rainbow sign is for mankind to remember the covenant, to refrain from shedding blood (abusing, harming and murdering one another) and to be his brothers' keepers, to be responsible and accountable for the well being of his fellow mankind (Genesis 9:5), the rainbow reminding them of what happened to those whose every imagination was set towards wickedness which GOD had destroyed in the Flood Of Noah. GOD did not drown out the Antediluvian world so that those who were saved through the Ark can continue to sin doing wickedness (Romans 2:12; James 2:9; 1 John 3:4) in breaking HIS laws and commandments with impunity.

By instituting the Rainbow Covenant that through this covenant GOD could appointed a Day for all those who do wickedness to be judged (i.e. to be called into account) so that HIS purpose for creating them in HIS image and likeness will still stand. This condition or term of the Rainbow Covenant is retroactive to the Antediluvian Age so that they too will be required to give an accounting in the Day of Judgment. 

And applies equally to all those called into another Covenant with HIM by which they would need to accept HIM as GOD over them. Whereas the Rainbow Covenant is specifically to allow all mankind to not recognize and accept HIM as GOD allowing them to be the lust driven animals (aka beasts) they all lusted to be.

There is no doubt a major difference with those called into the New Covenant with GOD. The difference is that those called into the New Covenant to become HIS faithful begotten children and servants are in this current lifetime being judged so there is no longer a Judgment Day for them in the resurrection to Judgment. But among those called into the New Covenant who failed (to be faithful) and is thus disqualified, the Judgment (i.e. condemnation of their names being blotted out from the Book of Life) remains.

Equally true too with the Grace that comes through the New Covenant, it does not give those who entered into the New Covenant the license to sin (i.e. to break GOD's commandments, laws, ordinances, statutes and judgments) with impunity in the breaking of GOD's Royal Laws and Holy Commandments of Love. That is what GOD meant when HE declared that HE ‘will demand a reckoning’. That phrase rendered by translators of the NKJV is not a very clear translation even as the meaning concept of requiring a squaring of debt owed, is correct. A clearer rendering would have been ‘will hold to repayment of the full account’ from the perspective of recompense as in to fully repay back the evil they have done upon their own head. Even as the word of the original text holds both meaning of to enquire and to require, in this verse the context is that of to require.

The Rainbow is as a reminder that the Elect would not fall for some ridiculous prophecies of another worldwide flood which was what the Nimrod's generation fell for that was why they tried to build the Tower of Babel

As was then and throughout so also it is with the generation of today, mankind just never did have the faith to believe GOD. Just like Eve, nearly all mankind that followed had continued to believed that GODGOD is trying to pull a fast one by them (Genesis 3:4 - 6) as also is the implicit teaching of many religions particularly the Christmas religion if you can grasp the full overview of the insidiously evil doctrines they advanced.
In this very first covenant (Genesis 6:18; 9:9) GOD made with man, we should note that first there was faith expressed through believing and acknowledgement of GOD followed by obedience from this faith expressed, in the proper fearful worship of GOD (Genesis 6:8 - 9, 13 - 16, 22; 7:9). There was also a time duration or lapsed time (Genesis 7:6; 9:8 -17) from this faith-based acknowledgement and obedience to the confirmation and activation of the covenant (Genesis 9:8  - 17) which was when GOD confirmed and put into effect the promise, notarizing it with an observable sign, the rainbow.

The Rainbow Covenant parallels as a Type the Covenant that GOD made with Abraham with promises to Abraham that his descendants will inherit the Promised Land. The parallel (type similitude) was in that Abraham's faith and obedience was the foundation basis for the Israelite's inheritance, as the faithfulness of Noah is the foundation basis to GOD promising not to bring on another flood to destroy all life on land

The covenant between GOD and Abraham (and also Isaac, Jacob and Joseph) is a foreshadow Type of the New Covenant (which is retroactive to all whom GOD called from righteous Abel to John the Baptist) that JESUS CHRIST mediated as the MESSENGER and MESSIAH of the Passover Covenant ordained and instituted in the BLOOD shed by JESUS dying as the sacrificial LAMB of GOD.

The Rainbow Covenant applies (and has applied) to every human who have ever lived at any point of time from the Antediluvian Age and the Garden of Eden (as retroactively applied) right up to the Second Resurrection of all those who have died. 

This Rainbow Covenant has been binding on and is applicable to every human being who have ever lived, regardless

While in this Rainbow Covenant with all mankind  came from that surviving family, GOD promised never to again destroy all living creatures on land with another worldwide flood, GOD also required every member of mankind to not harm or seek to harm another and especially against harming those who are GOD's people by Covenant.

These requirements were summarized in the Scriptures as:

Surely for your lifeblood I will demand a reckoning; from the hand of every beast I will require it, and from the hand of man. From the hand of every man’s brother I will require the life of man.
Genesis 9:5 ⁣

Whoever sheds man’s blood, By man his blood shall be shed;
For in the image of God He made man.
Genesis 9:6 ⁣

The word or term ‘lifeblood’ stressed on the importance of the life of mankind (man, woman, child, individually and not just collectively as whole concept).

This is supported by the last part of verse 6 which reminded all mankind that they were made according to GOD's special purpose (‘For in the image of God He made man’).

Verse 9, ‘whoever sheds man's blood by man his blood shall be shed’ actually required both as an explicit commandment (and therefore a binding requirement on all mankind) and is an authorization to carry the death penalty (i.e. the putting to death) of all who commit murder (i.e. the intention malicious killing of another human being) which by extension carries the same requirement on all (granted to wield power) to met out justice (i.e. the appropriate just punishment on all who commit evils). Remember these verses are just summaries.

GOD made it clear in this Rainbow Covenant that HE will require ‘a reckoning’ (that is an accounting or settling of account) for every man (includes woman and also children twelve years of age and older) for all their actions against their fellow mankind, that there will be a judgment of everyone both Saints (‘every man's brother’) and sinners (‘every beast’). It is implicit in these two verses that there will be a judgment on everyone (‘demand a reckoning’). For the Saints (1 Peter 4:17) this reckoning have been in their current lifetime whereas for the rest (all those who have no relationship with GOD signified by the beast symbolism) it will be in the Day of Judgment when GOD will raise all back to life, bring back to life everyone who had every lived for the Great Judgment.

Even as that verse (i.e. the first part pf verse 5) specifically referred to Noah the servant of GOD, as the one whom GOD directly addressed, the second part of verse 6 showed that it all applies to all mankind.

The ‘reckoning’ spoken of carried the Dualism/Type symbolism, one in this life as the general Types with the specific Actual in the Day of Judgment, the last and final judgment.

This passage of Scriptures is a very concise summary just as the Ten Commandments is a concise summary (or in legal terms the constitutional framework or basis) of the entire Royal Laws and Holy Commandments of GOD of which sincere unselfish love for all equally is the basis or the foundation conceptual framework or the spirit intents. This does not mean that GOD just only forbid human beings from killing one another but of the full scope or full context in forbidding the harming of one another intentionally or out of willful negligence (i.e. intentional irresponsibility) in any manner at all.

This if you really and fully understand the full message of the Gospel as equally is the entirety of the message of the Christian Holy Scriptures, and also is the whole purpose of the physical creation, our universe generally and life on the planet earth specifically (yes, the whole concept of the process of evolution, life and existence), all these is about evil, what evil is exactly, so the creature personages of GOD may understand their motivations in their conduct as they go through the process of their lives.

GOD warned all and sundry aka symbolically as beasts (all who do not accept the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as their GOD and includes all those who pretend to believe in and pretend to worship HIM — meaning all those of the so called Abrahamic religions which rejected and trampled on the Everlasting Covenant mediated by JESUS) whether individual or group of individuals in any manner of organizations from family groups to company of nations ('from the hand of every beast I will require it') that there is a reckoning (a judgment and punishment) for any harm to Noah ('Surely for your lifeblood I will demand a reckoning') as a servant of GOD (which by extension includes all the people of GOD by Covenant whether these are the Elect and Saints, or the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob).

Please read the discussion on the Scriptural symbolism in 'The Keys To Unlocking The Mystery Part IV' to understand the conceptual meaning in the beast symbolism.

“Whoever sheds man’s blood, By man his blood shall be shedFor in the image of God He made man.

The requirement of GOD as SUPREME POWER and SOVEREIGN over everything, is that of responsibility (accountability to GOD in the day of Judgment) from every rulers, overseers and judges, over families, tribes, nations and peoples. This meant all those who have been granted to be able to exercise authority, power and influence over the human social order to administer, execute and establish justice and just, fair, equitable lawful order ('By man his blood shall be shed').

GOD has at no time ever given up, nor will HE at any time ever give up or surrender HIS authority, SOVEREIGNTY and ownership as the CREATOR of all things, over all HE had created or will create.

Even when in the Rainbow Covenant GOD terminated HIS relationship with all mankind generally, to let them live out their lives like all the beasts and animals of planet earth (all equally totally owned by GOD absolutely) without the true knowledge of their CREATOR and OWNER, GOD still exercise HIS full SOVEREIGN authority over all. 

And even when on earth, GOD does this (i.e. exercises HIS sovereignty) mostly indirectly through the Angelic Council (Daniel 4:13, 17; 23 – 26; Job 1:6 – 12, 2:1 –7; Hebrews 2:5) as well as the Angels led by Satan the Devil, given charge and authority (Luke 4:6 – 8) over the planet earth and all mankind.

The Covenant of GOD with Abraham

The next covenant GOD made was with another man. And that man was Abraham. Beginning from the Rainbow Covenant, GOD ordained as the basis for humankind to be in a relationship with HIM as their GOD rested entirely on additional covenants HE would make with them individually and collectively.

For by the Rainbow Covenant GOD has allowed all mankind to not recognized HIM as their GOD, OWNER and SOVEREIGN. This HE has done so that they could exist (i.e. continue their lives and lineage) just exactly as the rest of the animals of the planet earth.

Thus the lineage of mankind was able to continued from then to this very day (with GOD no longer needing to destroy them all again and again because of their wickedness), everyone following after every intent of the evil imaginations of their hearts continually. GOD being righteous, anyone who has a relationship with HIM as their GOD there is the requirement that they be not evil which means that they need to be righteous or ultimately be destroyed by HIM as had happened with the Antediluvian Age.

Think about that and understand that GOD have made covenant not just the centerpiece of HIS purpose, will and good pleasure in all that HE is doing, but actually as the very foundation and basis for HIS dealings with mankind. And the simple reason HE does this is so that we (all those) who enter into a Covenant with HIM (to accept HIM as what HE is, our GOD and MAKER) will know that there are terms and conditions that we completely and absolutely must abide by and perform the failure to do so carrying life and forever death (i.e. total and absolute annihilation of life) consequences. 

Simply put, a covenant is a binding agreement with commitment to conditions (or terms) and deliverables that must be performed with penalties (which includes destruction or death of any) for any failure to honor these conditions (or terms) and deliverables.

So all those who make agreements (including everyall agreements verbal or written from promises, MOU, contracts and treaties) how will you answer for your evil deceits and treacheries in the Day of Judgment when you will have to answer for all the agreements you made in order to steal, rob. plunder and exploit all those you made agreements with. I can tell you this it will be worse for you in the Judgment than for Sodom and Gomorrah.

In the social order of mankind, nearly every interaction (i.e. in exchanges and transactions) such as family, social engagements (whether friendly, casual or formal), business dealings (whether goods, services, partnership, business contracts), employments (both as employees and employers), religions both the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives and their subscribers and politics (both the ruled and rulers), all are agreement based, whether implicitly or explicitly.

So tell me if anyone has always done all these interactions only totally out of sincere goodwill and never even once out of ill will andor bad faith to exploited an advantage (i.e. when they have the power impunity to do so) over others (Exodus 20:12 – 17; Deuteronomy 5:16 – 21) or the worst cases (for all those who claimed to believe in God) dealt deceitfully (from not being fully sincere) towards GOD (Psalm 14:2 – 3, 53:2 – 3; Romans 3:10 – 12) pursuing after their own personal lust and pushing their own agenda, making use of HIS name and twisting with spins and inventions added in, HIS Holy Words?

On the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying: To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the River Euphrates— the Kenites, the Kenezzites, the Kadmonites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Rephaim, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Girgashites, and the Jebusites.”
Genesis 15:18 – 20 ⁣

That was the attestation of the covenant that GOD made with Abram, which can be called the Circumcision Covenant. a covenant with promises of territorial inheritance for Abram’s descendants. Some reading the above verses may draw the conclusion that it was an unconditional promise of territorial inheritance to Abraham’s descendants. It was not.

A leader of GOD's people from our contemporary time actually taught that GOD made unconditional promises of material blessing to the descendants of the Biblical Patriarchs. Those who hold this view failed to see that these promises were made to Abraham because he first obeyed GOD having accepted GOD as his GOD

What this means was that Abraham had thus far continued to comply with, perform and fulfill the terms of a relationship with GOD accepting GOD as his GOD

There was this time lapse between the first promise, of entering into the covenant and the much later the confirmation or activation or execution, the official putting into effect of the covenant. This was in order that the faith and obedience requirement was given the time to be tested and proven

And right here is where the ridiculousness of the Christmas religion is revealed, from their doctrines of baptism (without the required true repentance), the series of meaningless mumbling and rambling atoning penances, to the advocating of a faithless grace. All these culminating with their refusal to enter into, to honor, obey and perform the very covenant through which they claimed that they had received grace through faith.

If you so wish to and want to (and not just plainly, brazenly and blatantly refused to because you lusted to believe whatever you lusted to believe so that you can fully lust after all that you lusted after) you can read about some discussion on Grace published in several parts (from several contexts) of this work:
1. Sovereign Grace
2. Grace and the Law
3. Grace and Merit 
4. Meaning of Grace
5. Voiding Grace And Lusting to Believe in Lies 

An implicit prerequisite to this Circumcision Covenant was that Abraham’s descendants must accept GOD as their GOD and SOVEREIGN KING (Psalm 47:2; 95:3) just as Abraham (as also Isaac and Jacob) had done, they must first express this acceptance and then followed on that acceptance to enter into a covenant with GOD to accept HIM as their GOD and KING. So there was the same primary pre-condition.

Another thing to note is that the inheritance of the specified territory was only to the son (the heir) by Sarah as would be made clear by GOD later. So the other children who were also born to Abraham would not be part of this covenant and thus were never required to enter into a covenant with GOD (Deuteronomy 5:2) to accept HIM as their GOD.

This does not mean that these other children will not become nations on their own apart from being the Kingdom nations of GOD through a covenant as the descendants through the promised heir would be.

It is important to note these keys differences between the heir according to the promise against the other children of Abraham (through Hagar and Keturah) is because of the specific territory of the promised heir's inheritance is not just any place, location and territory but that on which GOD have set (i.e. established and ordained) for HIS Kingdom to reside both the physical (first) and later the Spiritual, as pertaining to those things composed of Spirit, too (1 Corinthians 15:46), the second to remain forever (Revelation 21).

Now if you have read the whole of the Genesis chapter, you will note that earlier when GOD called Abram to leave his home to become a nomad HE did not do so without promises of blessings and rewards.

Now the LORD had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you.
I will make you a great nation;
I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
Genesis 12:1 – 3 ⁣

In this first recorded promise that GOD made to Abram, the promise of blessing (to act towards the security, welfare and prosperity) was clear and directly (explicitly) stated, while that of descendants (Genesis 12:2) was implicit. This was in the promise of nationhood which was of Abram becoming a great nation (implicitly a large population of descendants). There was the promise of blessing and being favored (over the rest of mankind living in those times) by GOD. There was the promise of prosperity, greatness and glory. And there was the promise of blessing for all of mankind (which was the first and has continued to be GOD's purpose when HE created the first family of mankind in HIS image and likeness) through Abram's SEED. But did you notice the conditions. GOD rarely made promises without condition(s), even as no promises has ever made without a prior (favorable) performance on the part of those to whom the promises were made.

The first and main or primary (pre) condition has always being that of obedience, total unwavering unquestioning obedience. That is what constitutes the requirement and fulfillment (full performance) of faith in GOD, believing GOD and believing in GOD. That was why it was not clearly stated where was the land Abram was to go to or that he would not be the one to inherit it but his descendants.

Again here GOD revealed based on a need to know basis. One of the reasons for this is because of this same requirement of faith, the faith to believe (i.e. to complete trust our welfare and well being to) GOD and not the faith of the Christmas religion which is to not believe GOD but to believe in all manner of evil and blasphemous lies, even ridiculously massively stupid things. Faith is not involved (i.e. expressed) when what is promised is already received.

While there were instructions for Abram to perform certain acts that demonstrated his willingness to fully obey GOD without question (as in not disputing or contending) in his commitment to accept GOD as his GOD, and there were promises made by GOD to Abram if he obeyed, no covenant was proposed at that point by GOD to Abram.

It should be noted from this that faith expressed in obedience is the very first test that everyone must pass through before GOD will enter into a covenant with the person. The tests serve more to educated towards the ends that those who called to enter into such covenants would understand what they are signing up for.

This is a prerequisite of every covenant GOD enters into directly with any person. GOD do not enter into covenants with those who reject HIM or do not express some beginning measure of faith in HIM expressed through unquestioning obedience in the willingness to obey HIS voice, instructions, charges, commandments, laws, statutes and judgments (Genesis 26:6). No one can enter into a covenant with GOD who does not meet this prerequisite. That was the reason the Rainbow Covenant was made with Noah (and by extension all the rest who were saved in the Arl) and not with the rest of the wicked generation which GOD exterminated. 

GOD is the CREATOR OWNER, MASTER and RULER over all there is and HE does not accept anyone in any relationship with HIM who do not  recognized and acknowledge HIM as who HE is, as their CREATOR GOD, OWNER, MASTER and SOVEREIGN.

In this Circumcision Covenant (Genesis – 20) it is clear that the promise of territorial inheritance was not directly to Abram but to his descendants. Note that the covenant was only officially offered after a certain amount of time had lapsed after Abram had in obeying GOD, left his home and country. That is another requirement of faith which is to in an unwavering manner continue on, even when no sign of the promises are tangible, received or apparent (Hebrews 11:1).

Again the inheritance was not immediate, meaning it was not to the immediate descendants from Abram’s body but more than four generations (over four hundred years) later.

It takes a lot of faith to believe something like that. And Abram believed GOD (Genesis 12:4 – 5; 15:4 – 6).

While it is equally true that an extremely lust driven person could easily has done the same. That is to packed up their comfortable lives to live the life of a nomad on some promises or perceived promises.

And indeed our world choke full of the lust driven we seen people believing all manner of ridiculous to moronically stupid things and followed through on those beliefs in extreme acts from sacrificing their children to their gods (i.e. to demons) and all manner of insane things.

But there is a key difference between Abram (and all those who in faith believe and not in insanity fueled lust believe) and all those who are lust driven. And this is the righteous requirement that Abram conform to, of his conduct obeying the righteous requirement of not seeking to harm others but doing good to all his neighbors (including his own servants).

Another key difference is that Abram far from behaving insanely, conduct himself with reasonable cognizant of himself and full cognizant of GOD.

So here was the righteousness that was through faith. How does this faith compared with that practiced and performed by those masters and disciples of the Christmas religion, a faith that disbelieved nearly all the plain essential truths of the Christian Holy Scriptures that matters?

Let us now clear on certain points of this Circumcision Covenant that GOD made with Abram.

The things we need to note about this covenant.

1. It was with Abram (and includes Sar’ai and all the bond servants, all that were considered his family or household, all that belongs to him) and was to include his heir and the heir's descendants because the promise of inheritance was to the descendants of Abram's promised heir.

2. The promise to Abram was first of having an heir from his own blood or body (Genesis 15:4) and a continuation or ‘perpetuation’ of his lineage (Genesis 15:5). Understand the context of the perpetuation of his lineage is not and does not mean the perpetuity (continuous unending) of his lineage.

3. To his descendants were promised the land of Canaan (Genesis 5:18 – 20), also known as the Promised Land as the promised inheritance to inhabit and to be sustained by. The Promised Land is a special and specific stretch of land that GOD intended to be the place to house the seat of HIS Kingdom on earth until the fulfillment of all things.

4. But for this descendants it was not to be a ‘walk in park’ there would be great tests and trials (Genesis 15:12 – 16). The tests were meant to proof (includes to fail) them whether they would be faithful to honor and keep their covenant with HIM. No, the tests were not for GOD to find out what they would do because HE does not know what they would do because HE had to chose to not know what they would do in order that they could have free will as well the (original) massively stupid doctrines of the first Messenger to the Church of GOD in Philadelphia.

5. It was not an unconditional promise. No promises of GOD are ever without conditions. There are conditions that must be performed fully; there are conditions that must be continually kept, honored and performed; and there are conditions already performed. GOD is also required by the covenant to deliver (because GOD is righteous and faithful). The promise was only made to Abram on condition that Abram obeyed GOD leaving his country and family to go into the land of the Canaan. There is the need for faith to obey; that is after Abram needed to satisfy the condition for the given promise.

6. Abram at around seventy five years ago when GOD called him to leave his home (i.e. his father's house) and city. By the time he was eighty years old he still had no descendants. So again faith is the issue, a faith that believed GOD. Not until Abraham was ninety-nine when GOD finally ordained the Circumcision Covenant with Abraham (includes all his family). Note that at that time while Abraham had a son Ismail by Hagai, but he was not to be the heir but the one that Sarah would bear the when Sarah was already way past child bearing age.

7. The Circumcision Covenant (not that it should take so long but Abraham had to tested and proven first that he would persist to faithfully obey GOD) was some twenty four years (a total of twenty five years to the birth of the promised heir) in the making, from the time the promises were made (when Abram was seventy five years of age) until the covenant was confirmed (i.e. finally entered into) when Abraham was commanded and acted to circumcise all the males of his family when he was ninety-nine years old. At the time the Covenant was made the promised heir was not even conceived yet. So again, a believing faith is a requisite.

8. The covenant GOD made with a man to accept HIM as GOD, includes those who would descend from him, his descendants. In the case of the Circumcision Covenant, it is only pertaining to the one heir not the other children. The reason for this actual target or focus of the Circumcision Covenant was not Abraham, not even Isaac but Jacob's descendants.  It was to Jacob's twelves sons and their progenies that the promise of inheriting the Promised Land was/will be. 

No doubt the promises to Abraham involves all his descendants becoming nations but the specific promise relating to inheriting the Promised Land is to Jacob's descendants not the other sons of Abraham or those of Isaac.

This inclusion of descendants in the covenant was however not from a Spiritual (as in pertaining to things of the Spirit realm) context but carries only a physical genetic and biological lineage context of the temporary things and life on planet earth. Every covenant made with a Spiritual perspective (that carries eternal Spiritual promises) that GOD make with a person is made directly with each person individually

Only covenants of a physical (pertaining to the current physical realm) applies to the whole household that belongs to and under authority of the person and to his descendants. Of these we have the Circumcision Covenant and the Throne of David Covenant. Read the full explanation on why a covenant made with the parents would be also binding on their descendants who were not directly a participant in the agreement in the chapters ‘Angels, Demons and Men’ and ‘The Elect’.

9.  It is only through the males that GOD made this Covenant, the Circumcision Covenant, with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the descendants the twelve sons of Jacob. So the daughters to them will not be included in the covenant if they married outside of the twelve tribes of Jacob aka Israel.

10. By the focus on the Covenant on the males' manhood, this Covenant was meant (symbolically) to call attention to the 'fleshy' and superficial nature of biological male genealogy. But even more to the lust driven nature of most of those called under this Covenant.

The Fleshly Circumcision Covenant

This covenant that GOD made with Abram was almost twenty five years later (after the promises) when Abram was already ninety-nine years. By then Abram had a son from Hagar born to him when he was eighty-six years old.

When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless. And I will make My covenant between Me and you, and will multiply you exceedingly.” Then Abram fell on his face, and God talked with him, saying: “As for Me, behold, My covenant is with you, and you shall be a father of many nations. No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you a father of many nations. I will make you exceedingly fruitful; and I will make nations of you, and kings shall come from you. And I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and your descendants after you. Also I give to you and your descendants after you the land in which you are a stranger, all the land of Canaan, as an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.”
And God said to Abraham: “As for you, you shall keep My covenant, you and your descendants after you throughout their generations. This is My covenant which you shall keep, between Me and you and your descendants after you: Every male child among you shall be circumcised; and you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskins, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between Me and you. He who is eight days old among you shall be circumcised, every male child in your generations, he who is born in your house or bought with money from any foreigner who is not your descendant. He who is born in your house and he who is bought with your money must be circumcised, and My covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant. And the uncircumcised male child, who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, that person shall be cut off from his people; he has broken My covenant.”
Genesis 17:1 – 14

Here GOD expanded (Genesis 15:18) on (i.e. elaborated further and added to) the first promises when HE commanded Abram to leave his family to journey into Canaan (Genesis 12:1 – 3). It was also then that GOD revealed to Abraham that his promised heir would come only from Sarah and was not to be his son, Ishmael by Hagar, the maidservant of Sarah.

Then there was the circumcision sign of the covenant which was required to be kept by Abraham and his entire household. Anyone not keeping or honoring this sign was to be cut off from the promised physical nationhood inheritance. 

This covenant would however does not cover all of the sons (once they are grown and have their own families) of Abraham but only to the son of the promise (those who would inherit the Promised Land) and the descendants from this son, those who would receive the promised inheritance. Only the son of Abraham from Sarah was to be the heir of Abraham. Does that seem like an unfair thing, to favor only one son?

What many would most likely overlook was the implicit requirement in this covenant. The same requirement that is involved in every covenant GOD would make with man who would accept HIM as their GOD, meaning their LORD, MASTER and KING. Today many are those who make use of the word God without understanding what is the meaning inherent in that word. This I have covered earlier in the four part discussions under the title of ‘Keys to Understanding the Mystery.’

What was implicit in any covenant to accept GOD as our GOD is the requirement for obedience. Charges, laws, statutes and commandments are all part and parcel of that obedience because accepting GOD as our GOD means accepting HIM as our SOVEREIGN RULER and KING aside from primarily as our OWNER and MASTER (this is where the obedience to the voice is further reinforced). GOD is a great KING (Psalm 47:2, 95:3; Malachi 1:14) who rules (Psalm 93:1; Daniel 5:21) and judges all HIS creation including countless billions (or even trillions) of Spirit Angelic personages attending to HIM since creation until today in the very Kingdom of Heaven. Read the chapter on ‘GOD IS’ to fully understand that laws and commandments of GOD were already in force since the Angelic realm was created billions of earth years ago.

And I will make your descendants multiply as the stars of heaven; I will give to your descendants all these lands; and in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed; because Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws.”
Genesis 26:4 - 5

That verse above implicitly stated that Abraham’s children and household would be required to meet the same requirement to keep the way of the LORD, to obey ‘My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws.

For the discussion on what the Apostle Paul meant when he wrote in Galatians 4 verse 17: ‘And this I say, that the law, which was four hundred and thirty years later, cannot annul the covenant that was confirmed before by God in Christ, that it should make the promise of no effect.’ please read in the post ‘Status Updates 2017 C.E. Part 1’ of ‘A Christian Pilgrimage’ by this author.

I know many would be the “rocket scientists" and the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of the Christmas religion who will quote the Apostle Paul regarding how the law was added four hundred and thirty years later claiming that the Ten Commandments and the Sabbath commandment were only introduced in the earthly realm hundreds of years after the promises were made to Abraham.

It would be good if all those who would quote that verse know what they are talking about. For the full refutation from the Scriptures of all those who would quote the verse I just mentioned, please read the multiparts posts ‘Status Updates 2017 C.E.' (all parts) in the blog ‘A Christian Pilgrimage’ of this work.

For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the LORD, to do righteousness and justice, that the LORD may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him.”
Genesis 18:19

That verse above clearly spelt out the invalidation or failure clause or voiding clause in the covenant, that there is indeed a voiding term or condition with regards to the children or descendants of Abraham. That requirement was that they keep the way of the LORD following in the footstep of the Patriarch the failure of which will be tantamount to their disqualification. 

And what is the way of the LORD but those that are enshrined in HIS laws, commandments, statutes and judgments, aka the Royal Laws and Holy Commandments of Love.

That should tell us why the Old Covenant came to and end, first for the Kingdom of Israel and later for the vassal nation of the Jews. Because they had never ever really honor to then fully abide by the requirement of the covenant meaning that they never ever honored to faithfully endeavor to sincerely keep the covenant exactly as the Christmas religion had been doing with the New Covenant since right from their nascent to founding years and throughout the centuries until this very day.

And the very first thing the Christmas religion did at the soon as they gained the political backing (in the Council of Nicaea) to do so, they acted to outlaw the New Covenant Passover mediated by the LORD JESUS and the Fourth Commandment.

Only those do not know the ‘way of the LORD to do righteousness and justicecan preach the doing away with the need to keep the commandments of GOD and to observe and obey all things that JESUS commanded. Only those do not know the ‘way of the LORD to do righteousness and justicecan preach that the law and commandments of GOD had been done away in the New Covenant because of Grace.

Grace is the expression of GOD's merciful kindness to forgive us our sins taking into consideration our sincere attitude of faith in, and obedience to HIM.

It is not the doing away with the need to ‘do righteousness and justice’ contrary to the lies of the daughter harlots of the Christmas religion. Neither does grace give any self appointed ‘vicar’ and ‘sole arbiter’ of GOD or any professed so called Christians synods and councils to change and alter the commandments of GOD or the commemoration of New Covenant in the Passover made through the BLOOD of the SON of GOD to Easter Sunday.

Nor does Grace give any self proclaimed apostles or messiahs authority to change or invent their own commandments to replace the commandments of GOD or to redefined the New Covenant in the Passover to some other commemorations andor to some other date or time. The institutions (i.e. the things instituted andor ordained), laws, commandments, statutes, judgments of GOD cannot be changed by any man or Angel, no matter how great they are.

The very SON of GOD did not change the commandments of HIS FATHER (John 5:30) but fulfilled (i.e. obeyed and performed them to the full) them (Matthew 5:17; John 15:10).

JESUS said HIS FATHER is greater than HIM (John 14:28). JESUS followed and obeyed HIS FATHER exactly, to the dot (Matthew 5:18; John 5:9, 8:28). HE never changed HIS FATHER's commandments but fulfilled them (John 14:31, 15:10; Matthew 5:17).

Anyone who preached or advocated the changing of the commandments of GOD is explicitly placing himself as greater than LORD JESUS and ALMIGHTY GOD (John 14:28). Such persons can only be agents of Satan the Devil who has been aspiring in his heart to overthrow GOD and replace HIM for billions of earth years.

In the covenant GOD made with Abraham (Genesis 15:18 – 20; 17:2, 9 - 19) there were also the same parallel as that which was made with Noah. There was faith expressed through believing and acknowledgement of GOD followed by obedience from this faith and acknowledgement (Genesis 12:4, 13:17, 15:6; 7:23). There is also the time duration (Genesis 12:6; 15:18 - 20) from this faith-based acknowledgement and obedience to the confirmation of the covenant (Genesis 17:10) which was when GOD confirmed and put into effect the promised and notarized with an observable ‘sign of the covenant’, circumcision, before the delivery of the promised heir through Sarah.

The Covenant With David The King

When GOD had given rest to David and had established him as King over all Israel, David spoke to Nathan of his intention to build a house for GOD. GOD then sent Nathan to tell David that he would not be the one to build a house for GOD but his son. That was when GOD revealed to David that his kingdom and his throne shall be established forever through his SEED, through one of his descendants. In these promises to David the prophetic concept of Dualism and Type points firstly to Solomon as a Type and JESUS as the Actual fulfillment.

Also the LORD tells you that He will make you a house. “When your days are fulfilled and you rest with your fathers, I will set up your seed after you, who will come from your body, and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build a house for My name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. I will be his Father, and he shall be My son. If he commits iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men and with the blows of the sons of men. But My mercy shall not depart from him, as I took it from Saul, whom I removed from before you. And your house and your kingdom shall be established forever before you. Your throne shall be established forever.”’
2 Samuel 7:11 - 16

When David was old and his son Solomon was anointed as King over Israel, King David then charged Solomon:

“I go the way of all the earth; be strong, therefore, and prove yourself a man. And keep the charge of the LORD your God: to walk in His ways, to keep His statutes, His commandments, His judgments, and His testimonies, as it is written in the Law of Moses, that you may prosper in all that you do and wherever you turn; that the LORD may fulfill His word which He spoke concerning me, saying, ‘If your sons take heed to their way, to walk before Me in truth with all their heart and with all their soul,’ He said, ‘you shall not lack a man on the throne of Israel.’
1 Kings 2:2 – 4

After King Solomon had completed the building of the temple for GOD, he gathered all Israel before the temple as they brought the Ark of The Covenant to the temple.

Then Solomon stood before the altar of the LORD in the presence of all the assembly of Israel, and spread out his hands toward heaven; and he said: “LORD God of Israel, there is no God in heaven above or on earth below like You, who keep Your covenant and mercy with Your servants who walk before You with all their hearts. You have kept what You promised Your servant David my father; You have both spoken with Your mouth and fulfilled it with Your hand, as it is this day. Therefore, LORD God of Israel, now keep what You promised Your servant David my father, saying, ‘You shall not fail to have a man sit before Me on the throne of Israel, only if your sons take heed to their way, that they walk before Me as you have walked before Me.’ And now I pray, O God of Israel, let Your word come true, which You have spoken to Your servant David my father.
1 Kings 8:22 – 26

In the covenant with David when GOD promised that David's seeds (Psalm 132:11) will sit on his throne forever, HE did not do so without the requirement for those seeds to be obedient to HIM.

As with all covenants that GOD made with man directly, the prerequisite is the same. And that is to accept GOD as his GOD meaning to be obedience to HIS voice, keeping and performing HIS charges, laws, commandments, statutes and judgments, in order words to be a loyal faithful servant/subject. Faithful obedience have always been required without fail. There is no basis for a relationship with GOD as one's OWNER MASTER (LORD) and SOVEREIGN without sincere obedience. The very meaning in the word GOD already explicitly enunciated his fact.

As for you, if you walk before Me as your father David walked, and do according to all that I have commanded you, and if you keep My statutes and My judgments, then I will establish the throne of your kingdom, as I covenanted with David your father, saying, ‘You shall not fail to have a man as ruler in Israel.’
“But if you turn away and forsake My statutes and My commandments which I have set before you, and go and serve other gods, and worship them, then I will uproot them from My land which I have given them; and this house which I have sanctified for My name I will cast out of My sight, and will make it a proverb and a byword among all peoples.
2 Chronicles 7:17 – 20

Here GOD put the responsibility on the King as the one exercising the authority and wielding the power for the fate of the nation under his rule, that his failure will cause the destruction of his nation and subject.

This tie in with the concept of the King, the Kingdom (and also that of dominion), the nation and the people as one entity with the King, and he is the one who holds the welfare and continuation of his kingdom, nation and people in his hands through his personal faithfulness in his relationship with GOD.

There is a second context of the King and the nation. This is the context of the nation getting the king that is after their own evil lust fueled and lust driven hearts. GOD more often than not gives us leaders after our own evil lust driven hearts. In this the Scriptures consistently recorded.

In the first on this context, there was the story of Adam and Eve given over to Satan the Devil because they chose in unbridled lust to believe and obey him through completely trusting him in everything that the serpent spoke and not only just disregarding GOD and everything GOD had said but totally held that GOD was lying and is a liar.

We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.
1 John 5:19

And as with Adam and Eve, so the rest of mankind, through the Antediluvian Age to this very day, all have been given over to the manipulative sway of Satan the Devil because everyone is lusting to believe all manner of ridiculous lies for no other reason than because it suits them to for any number of reasons but mostly because they lusted after these lies.

The prophets prophesy falsely, And the priests rule by their own power; And My people love to have it so. But what will you do in the end?
Jeremiah 5:31 ⁣

That basically is the story of mankind beginning from Adam and Eve right up to this very day, and right until the end of the Millennium and through the (Great) Judgment.

That was the reason when the Israelite asked for a king, for GOD to give them a king, GOD gave then a king after their own lust driven treacherously unfaithful hearts.

That was the reason the LORD JESUS personally hand picked and ordained a ego mega maniac to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles. He basically gave them an Apostle after their own lust driven hearts, one who would invent all manner of ridiculous spins and twisted lies to advance himself and his personal gospel as supreme over that of the Gospel of the Kingdom which commanded repentance.

Nearly everyall just believing someone whatever they proclaim and pronounce (i.e. assert, decree, communicate and teach) even when they both make no sense and are totally irrational and ridiculous. Yes even when they proclaimed, announced, pronounced and decreed explicitly evil things such as deceits, manipulative controls to subjugate, thefts, robberies, plunders, rapes, tortures, murders and all kinds of brutality and savageries.

And even as GOD does this, HE would ultimately raise up one to be faithful to HIM. This HE does to the ends that HIS purpose shall stand

After the unfaithful King Saul, GOD raise up a David a man after HIS own heart to be King over Israel.

Likewise also there was the Apostle John, and in him, we have the faithful words committed by JESUS CHRIST to set the record straight so that we at the End of the Age would be able see through all the invented spins and twisted lies of the Apostle Paul. So that for us all living in these last days of the End of the Age, by the truth of the Gospel message and the Prophetic Word (2 Peter 1:19) can be make to see through all the lies preached as the gospel of grace and that they be exposed for the lies, spins and inventions that they were.

Likewise too not too long from today, the Elijah who must come first, will indeed turn and return the heart of the FATHER to the children and the hearts of the children to the FATHER (Malachi 4:6).

He saw that there was no man, And wondered that there was no intercessor; Therefore His own arm brought salvation for Him; And His own righteousness, it sustained Him.
Isaiah 59:16 ⁣

As also at the appointed time came JESUS CHRIST born as the SON of man, that GOD through HIM as a faithful SON redeemed all to GOD that all may receive the second chance to inherit the Kingdom which was GOD's intent for all mankind when in the Garden of Eden HE planted the Tree of Life.

It should also be noted that even as GOD's promised David that his seeds (in each succeeding generations) would always be sitting on his throne (2 Chronicles 7:18; 1 King 9:5), the Throne of David (2 Samuel 3:10; 1 King 2:12, 24, 45), the position of each seed on this throne and remaining (i.e. continuing to rule) on this throne is still condition upon them (each individually) being faithful to GOD (1 King 8:25, 9:6 – 7; Psalm 132:12).

So while David's seed or lineage sitting on his throne, the throne of Israel (aka the throne of David), is promised perpetually throughout the continuing lineage, each individual seed continuing on this throne is not without the requirement of each seed being faithfully obedient to GOD (based on what knowledge they have whether little or much).

As with Noah, as with Abraham, so it was with David, GOD prepared them from the moment they were born (and also throughout the duration of their lives until the end of their lives towards their forever inheritance) for the role HE would appoint them later in life. David was anointed to be King over Israel the nation of GOD while a teenage and it would not be many, many years after many trials and tests before GOD confirmed him as King over both Israel and Judah.

Up to this point we should have some very clear idea on what are involved in covenants that ALMIGHTY GOD make with man individually as a personage andor collectively as a family or nation (includes Church or Assembly or Congregation).

1. Acceptance of GOD as their GOD which includes all the requirement that comes with such acceptance. This is a prerequisite that applies to both covenant made individually with a person or collectively with whole families or nations. This is very simple, no one coming seeking me to make an agreement with me can deny me the right to be me, a fellow man. And GOD at no instance of time cease to exercise HIS Absolute authority as GOD over all things. Anyone who does not accept that has no basis to come before GOD much less have a relationship with HIM, let alone to enter into a covenant with GOD.

2. In covenants made especially with a person individually there is the additional prerequisite of righteousness, of being found to be righteous (from actually believing GOD enough to obey and not just pretend to believe but refuse to obey by claiming that there is not need to obey or perform anything at all) before GOD. This is not to say that the requirement to be righteous is not necessary with those who have already inherit the promised made to the foreparents, they are equally required. Their being already inheritors having already receive the promises, will on their failure to be righteous eventually forfeit or lose these promises and inheritance on their continual failure to be righteous as happened to the ancient Israelite (including the Jews).

3. There is a time lapse period (i.e. testing and proofing period) between the establishing of the covenant and the confirmation of the covenant. This lapse is symbolically represented even in the Marriage Covenant (which is a Type to both the Old Covenant and New Covenant) in the time between a marriage agreement (aka Engagement) and the marriage event followed by the marriage consummation which is why sexual activities outside of marriage (i.e. the marriage covenant) is a very serious sin carrying the death penalty.

This is when the promise is conferred or when the covenant comes into effect. For Abraham this was twenty five years. For King David it was around twenty years. The Israelite who came out of Egypt it was forty years later before they (the children who were before below twenty years of age when the Israelite refused to enter the Promised Land) entered to inherit The Promise.

While in the Spiritual (i.e. pertaining to the realm of the Spirit composed and not some fictitious ethereal property or attributes of not being carnal) promise of eternal life and immortality to all the Elect and Saints of GOD from righteous Abel to the John the Baptist (of the Old Covenant period) and the true Christians (of the New Covenant period) from the twelve Apostles’ time until the end of this Age of Man, all these who will enter into the promise at JESUS’ Second Advent.

For the bulk of the Saints of GOD it would be their whole life until their death from after the time they were called (Hebrews 11:35; 1 Thessalonians 4:15 - 17).

4. Main ‘extended’ covenants or covenants that extend to cover the descendants (genealogical lineage) or subsequent generations, involved in promises by GOD to a person as the head (i.e. master or ruler) of the family and are extended to the descendants. These promises are extended from the context that the person involved in the covenant had already faithfully completely fulfilled and performed all the requirement stipulated in the covenant GOD made with him in the course of his lifetime. Nonetheless the descendants still will in their time and in the expression of their living would be required to meet the first prerequisite which is accepting GOD as their GOD and all the requirement that comes with such acceptance.

This is the same concept of nationhood (from since the beginning of the sectarian civilization of mankind until the formation of the United Nations as the platform for most of the nations of world order to try to mitigate and reduce the scale of their conflicts and to establish some sort regulatory system for their engagement with one another) where once a person becomes a subject or citizen of a nation, his genealogical descendants automatically inherit the same unless they chose to specifically renounce them andor to become the citizen of another nation (those nations for which doing as such come with an automatic forfeiture of citizenship).

5. Extended (from a similar concept as or as a Type of, the ego extension or proxification) covenants and collective covenants may also be signified with a visible or observable sign. The five main plus one secondary collective covenants with a signifiedsign of the covenant’ in the Holy Christian Scriptures are: the Rainbow Covenant (the universal covenant), The Circumcision Covenant (the fleshy genealogical covenant), The Ten Commandment Covenant (the Old Covenant written on tablets of stone), The Sabbath Covenant (a specific day of the week covenant), The Throne of David Covenant (a genealogical covenant pertaining to ruling over a people) and The New Covenant Passover Covenant (the final Covenant with a universal application but restricted to only those whom GOD will call during the period of the Age of Man).
Updated: 2022 09 23


The New Covenant  [1]    [2]    [3]
Part 1: The Covenant With Noah, Abraham And David
FYI Notes:

In the Hebrew original text the termCovenant’ is ‘bĕriyth [H1285]’ carrying the concept of an agreement to define: the portions to take or to have, a share or portion; to share; to cut into, divide or separate, to define portions of something for the purpose of sharing.

In the Greek original text the term ‘diathēkē [G1242]’ was an interpretation of that of the Hebrew original text but twisted in the KJV version of the Bible to tailor the term to fit with the twisting by the Apostle Paul to make it carry the meaning of the legalese term ‘last will and testament’ advanced by the ego supergorging Apostle to the Gentile as to be something towards the distribution of a person's worldly possessions after the person had died. This was done in deliberated stupidity towards hiding the original concept (of both Hebrew and Greek original texts) of an agreement to define the division of something as portions to sharing, or portions to shares or distributions of shares.

But of course you (the reader) do not have to believe any of this if you lusted uncontrollably to not to.

Added 2019 09 10 and updated: 2021 04 18

Related Reads:
The Marriage Covenant
In Bad Faith

Supportive Reads:
Keys To Unlocking The Mystery Part 4: Salt Of The Covenant
Mr. Oooh I Am

Other Relevant Reads:

THE OLD COVENANT AND THE NEW COVENANT.   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11i   11ii   11iii   11iv   12   13   14i   14ii   14iii


*1 Bible 101 – The Holy Bible Expounded is a book (under development) expounding the true message of the Christian Bible by this author. Extracts from this book are available for a period of time at

Comments and questions on issues of doctrines, truths and facts raised here can be directed to this author through the contact form on the right side bar of this author's main blog.. Only sincere non malicious comments and questions seeking clarification and understanding will be entertained.

1. Words in italic referenced titles, proper names or quoted speeches where this applies, otherwise these are personal notes to people who are familiar with them. Words in red are meant to call the attention of the reader to the discussion points of the post title.
2. Please refer to the Special Note at the main About Page of this work for the contextual basis of the discussions of this blog. All intending first time readers of this work are advised to first read the content warning before deciding whether they want to continue reading any of this work (please see also the disclaimer at the bottom of this post).
3. The sincere truth seeking intending readers are recommended to study this work beginning with the first post in each main discussion thread (in the respective blogs of this work) so as to be to fully comprehend the full context of the messages communicated.
4. Scriptures quoted are from New King James Version unless otherwise indicated. Anyone who wants to prove or disprove what is written here should first read the Christian Bible thoroughly and extensively (from cover to cover at least three or more times) with the goal that of basic reading comprehension, to understand what was recorded. The various chapters and articles discussed here are by no means exhaustive of the doctrines, prophesies, subjects and answers to questions on the Christian Holy Scriptures.
5. The word or term 'man' is used throughout as a reference to man specifically as well as to all mankind (male and female) generally according to the context in the exact same way as the Christian Bible used the term.
6. While the early discussions of this work covered basic foundation doctrines, the later discussions in this work discussed more in depth teachings and doctrines some of which may not be fully comprehensible without first understanding the foundation, fundamental or basic doctrines discussed earlier (before 2014 C.E.) in the various other blogs of this work.
7. For the complete listing of titles of the discussions of this author on the Christian faith and worship (or religion) please refer to the Start or Home page of 'The Holy Bible Expounded'. Also listed in this main posts listing page are the latest published posts of all the Christian topic blogs of this author.
8. The extensively lavish uses of hyperbole, redundant words and extreme superlatives in this work is intended to highlight the glaringly extreme ego supergorging lust of mankind and particularly near all the Elect of GOD both leaders and lay members, both inside and outside of the membership of the one true Church of GOD in this last days.

© Quah 2009 – 2022. All rights reserved.

All references to GOD (in caps or uppercase), in this site refers to the CREATOR GOD whose original inspired Words are the basis of the Christian Bible, unless otherwise denoted. All other references to the term ‘God’, or ‘Gods’ (without full all caps or all uppercase) are as these terms are generally used by mankind to denote the deity, God, or Gods of their religions and belief systems and thus may or may not refer to The GOD of the Christian Holy Scriptures.
All published information on these Christian topics are targeted at the true disciples of the faiththe Elect, not the false and fraudulent professed believers. Those of other religious faitn and worship who are easily offended by simple. clear and obvious truth are advised not to read any of the blog's entries of this work.
All views, statements and discussions are the personal religious belief and conviction of this author and directed at persons of same faith, religious belief and conviction.
Nonetheless any truly sincere seeker of the CREATOR of all things should be able to related to and understand the topic, if seeking said CREATOR in truth and humility, seeking to understand and to learn.
All those who are not interested in, or not seeking to know the truth should not read materials and articles by this author in his books or blogs as the simple, clear and obvious truth will most probably offend their sensitivity and infuriate them. As such they are advised (i.e. warned) against reading any of this work.
The author is neither responsible for nor does he approve or endorse any advertisement for subscriptions, products or services advertised in this blog space.
Please note that all discussions by this author are based on a general non expert assessment of information gathered from material published in the public domain (i,e, readily available to members of the general public). All of this author's discussions are presented as material for any and all persons with no special expertise. Anyone twelve years of age and older, who is not mentally incapacitated in some ways, would (or should anyway) be able to understand any and all the discussions of this author by following the discussions in the posted chronological order in each blog starting from the first post and first published blog. You do not need to be an expert or a genius to understand the simple and straight forward truths discussed by this author.

(Major) Update History:
2019 09 10
2013 10 22
First Posted: 2011 03 03