Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Why Do Innocents Suffer Part 7 – What Is Coming Next

Readers' Question: Why Do Innocents Suffer If GOD Is Just.
  [1]  [2]  [3]  [4]  [5]  [6]  [7]  [8]  [9]  [10]
Part 01 – Preamble: There Is Evil
Part 02 – Not Right That Innocents Should Suffer
Part 03 – What It Means To Be Free
Part 04 – Tree Of Knowledge
Part 05 – The Conviction Point
Part 06 – The Current World Order
Part 07 – What Is Coming Next (this post)
Part 08 – The Root Of All Sins
Part 09 – How Is It All Going To End
Part 10 – A Perfection Forever Free From Evil

What Is Coming Next  

According to most authoritative sources (as of 2012 C.E.), the Christian Bible in all of its numerous translations and in numerous languages, is the number one selling non fiction hardcopy book ever, with some having the number at over 6 billion copies sold. And according to most published statistical sources there are an estimated thirty to fifty thousand so called Christian denominations (i.e. versions of so called Christianity) today. Also many statistic sources put the number of those who believe themselves to be Christians at over 2.2 billion. These exclude all those who believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God or the Messiah or a prophet of God or a prophet or even an extraterrestrial alien or whatever else, but do not consider themselves to be Christians. If we are to include these, we would have a figure between more than (conservative estimate) four billion people to over six billion who claim to believe in Jesus Christ as someone who was on earth some two thousand years ago. Of course there are also many (millions possibly) who believe that Jesus Christ is a fictional character of a legend or a mythical story (meaning they say the Christian Scriptures is a work of fiction).

Now here are some good questions for anyone who believe him or her self to be a Christian, a true Christian, to ask. (And let us not even touch on all the others who believe in Jesus Christ or that they are Christians (but have no clue what that meant) for whatever other reasons, who if you think you can believe this author is so far gone into insanity it is wiser for us to stay a ‘million miles away’ from them).

And here are the questions:

1. How can you explain why there are so many versions of Christianity in the world today? Are all these numerous versions, all true Christianity, are all these some over 2 billion people who consider themselves to be Christian really Christian just because they think and believe (whatever that word mean to them) they are? Is that what the Christian Holy Scriptures recorded, that there would one day be tens of thousands of versions to the religion that JESUS the SON of GOD established through the Everlasting Covenant which HE mediated, made in HIS BLOOD? Is that what JESUS said HE was starting - a religious order that will one day have tens of thousands of versions with many of them claiming that their particular version is one, some or all of the following: the most original andor latest form; the most authoritative form; the purest form; the most complete form; the most true form; the most unadulterated form, andor also the one and only true Christianity?

2. How about all the rest who also believe in Jesus Christ but don't believe HE is the SON of GOD but either just another prophet or the greatest prophet or the Arch Angel Michael or something else altogether but they still believe in Jesus as whatever they chose to believe Him to be but totally refused to believe that all which was recorded in the Christian Holy Scriptures is necessarily completely true, except maybe a little bit here and there (and they get to say andor to choose which here and are true) whereas all the rest must be reinterpreted because they are all figures of speech or invented stories, unless what was recorded in these Scriptures agree with what these other religions are teaching? Are they also true Christians because they believe in Jesus as whatever they chose to believe Jesus to be? Should it matter what a person believe in in order to be considered a Christian, as long as they just believe in Jesus, irregardless of who they believes Jesus to be? Is that what the Christian Holy Scriptures recorded, that one day there will be hundreds of different religions with tens of thousands of different versions that would believe in Jesus Christ andor His Father and would therefore also be able to receive the grace that JESUS died to make available? Is that what JESUS said HE was doing, getting all these numerous religions to believe in HIM without believing anything HE testified to and without obeying anything that matters that HE commanded, just so they all can be save through grace through just believing in HIM as whatever they chose to believe HIM to be?

3. Or must it be only those who have accepted JESUS as their personal savior or who have given their hearts to JESUS, who are the real, true Christians? There are many who have done so but they don't believe that JESUS is the SON of GODbut just the Messiah or the Prophet of GOD. There are those who believe that Jesus was the Arch Angel Michael. Are all these then Christians because they have accepted JESUS as their personal savior andor given their hearts to JESUS?

4. Or is it they are true Christian but only if they are those who believe that JESUS CHRIST is the SON of GOD. And as long as they believe that then it doesn't matter whatever else they believe JESUS is/was, and whatever else they want to believe in including Area 51; aliens hiding on the dark side of the moon, the aliens of planet Nibiru waiting to save human beings when the world ends in the spaceship hidden in some mysterious mountains; Mayan Calendar end of the world prophecies; Eric Von Deniken of aliens visiting earth being worshiped as Gods by the ancients; the mark of the Beast is a microchip or some vaccines; and what else they want to believe without exception absolutely. Or is it they must also believe that JESUS is one of of a three person God, a Trinity (aka three in one God), then only can they be a true Christian? Or must that also include that they must celebrate Easter Sunday too and that they must condemn and seek to kill anyall those who refuse to celebrate Easter Sunday, they must torture and kill all those who insist that they must faithfully obey JESUS commandment and to commemorate as a memorial the New Covenant that JESUS mediated in the Passover Covenant made in HIS BLOOD represented by the Cup of Wine of the Passover commemoration.

5. What about false and fake Christians? Are there any false and fake Christians in the world whether today or in the past or ever? Or is it that there are no such thing as a false and fake Christian, never ever was and never ever will be? Or are false and fake Christians only those who don't believe in JESUS CHRIST meaning that as long as someone says he or she believe in JESUS CHRIST then he or she must be a true Christian? And if there are (as surely there must be just purely because in this world of mankind, there are all kinds of fake and fraudulent people aka imposters and charlatans (includes scammers) making all sort of false claims for all sorts of reasons. Reasons such as: to make themselves look good (i.e. shore up their image), to feel good about themselves; to scam and defraud others; and etc., the list is indeed very long as to why people would falsely claim themselves as someone they are not. Why over the years and centuries, there have been been many, many cases of people even claiming they are Jesus Christ of the Scripture records, either as a reborn or reincarnate Jesus or even as Jesus now returned from heaven.

How about Antichrists and the Antichrist, are these false and fake Christians or are they also true Christians just by saying and proclaiming that they are? Or are there no such thing as Antichrists?
Please read about choosing to believe lies in the post ‘Mr Oooh Am Part 2 – The Exposé’, and what it means to be complicit with evil through willing and willful ignorance in the post ‘The End Of The World Or Not Part 3 – Credibility Issues’.

Self Deception [selfdct]

Now if you know how to put two and two together (to arrive at a realistic logical conclusion) you would know that the one question you would need to answer is this: ‘Does it matter at all what you believe in and what you believe?

And of course there will be people, many people who will believe and/or insist that it don't matter what you believe in as long as you just believe in yourself.

Herein lies one of the most essential truth about the reality of free will intelligent personages. No matter what such a personage believe in, we all almost invariably, ultimately first believe in ourselves that we know how to discern: truth from lies and falsehoods; what is right from what is wrong; and what is good from what is evil. Here, what is meant by believing in ourselves is from the perspective of what we perceive and how we view things, which is that our held views or thinking or reasoning is the most correct take, approach or position on any and everything we hold an opinion on or believe in. This is what this work termed or called 'our worldview or view of reality what it actually is'.

Of course there are things which we are not sure of, or have no knowledge about which sometimes (or often times depending on the individuals' view of themselves) we willingly let others tell us or direct us or educate us. But even on these directions and inputs, we relied on our own judgment who we should believe in if there are differing opinions among those we choose to seek or search out for advice, answers or directions.

This inherent view of ourselves or this self belief that we are sufficiently capable and skilled to discern to make decision on things that are important to us and/or affect our lives, is the biggest obstacle to having the faith that pleases GOD, and it is also the biggest contributor to the evil that have permeated every instance of the human social order since the very beginning.

Herein is and has been the failure point of every personage in their relationship with GOD, their self reliance. This is the failure point. That was the very first ever failure point billions of years ago when a high ranking Angel of GOD sinned and became the Adversary of GOD. That was the failure point of the first family some six thousand years ago choosing to trust their own judgment and assessment rather than obey the GOD who created them. And that has been the failure point ever since. And today in the very Church of GOD and among all of the Saints of GOD, this has been and is the main failure point.

That was the test that Adam and Eve failed in the Garden of Eden. That was the test of the Tree of Knowledge of Good And Evil.

Now don't get it wrong. We cannot not trust ourselves completely, our own judgment and assessment, as it is the basis of our intelligence and free will. To totally not trust ourselves, in our ability to perceive and understand what our senses, emotion and reason determine to be true, valid, correct, right, real and the connection of cause to effect would render us into incoherent mindless machines that must be specifically directed and prompted before we can function. Nor can we completely trust ourselves either but we need to recognized our own severely limited nature (i.e. our temporary form and substance that relied on many supporting elements for not just our functioning but our coherency and integrity). We are essentially chemically driven creatures.

This is because the first basis that every created intelligent personages utilized to understand any information it acquired through its interfacing with its environment is always itself. We are the first thing we know, our first consciousness (i.e. awareness both of self and everything else that we are able to perceive). We have to rely on what we sense and perceive to make a connection with our existential realm, our reality. But our reality to us is first and foremost a tunnel and our perception is thus first and foremost a tunnel vision, a focused vision. At any one instance we see, focus and look at only one main thing with all the rest in the peripheral mostly a blur. Likewise our minds can only focus on one train of thought at any one time.

We cannot sense, think, feel, contemplate or reason with someone else's mind. We can only do so with our own. Therefore any conscious or subconscious trust we place on anyone or anything whether on someone or something or some information or knowledge, our first basis to decide whether to believe or trust these is our trust in ourselves to be able to rightly assess these inputs that our minds perceive through its channels of information acquisition. Every conceivable initiative in our thoughts is self actuated though mostly events triggered. But our consciousness does not restrict us such as where we become disconnected from the reality around us which exist separate of us.

Therefore a trust in ourselves to believe what we see, hear and feel is an intrinsic element of our self awareness as well as our free will and  intelligence.

But if we really are intelligent and fully self aware (as opposed to being self delusional, which to some degree nearly every single member of humankind has been from since the very beginning) we surely would (or should anyway) know that we (all our senses and our real intelligence) are really not all that reliable whether our vision, hearing, memories or logical reasoning. As mentioned earlier we are essentially a bio-chemical soup, chemicals both influence and control how we feel and consequently think and behave. 

And this, for all those who knows how to ‘put two and two together’; they would have (or should have anyway) discerned been discussed, proven and highlighted in all my blogs in very simple and clear manners that are both easy to comprehend and to understand such that no one sincere and sane would not have fully discerned and understood these very obvious truth.

Some reading this may be wondering what would all this have to do with this question of why if GOD being just and good would HE let the innocence especially innocent babies suffer horrendous abuse, injury and death. And that would totally prove this point that severely limited humankind (meaning all of us) despite their incredible near limitless latent intelligence are just totally unable to reasonably be relied on to understand very simple obvious truth even just about their own personal reality.

This question (the title question of this post's discussion) is asked basically for three main reasons by three categories of people:

1. Arrogantly evil people to ridicule the idea that there is an all powerful good and merciful GOD who created all things.

2. Self focused, self absorbed people (i.e. those full of themselves) who think that they are basically good and decent people. And these basically either believed they deserved better than the life they have been handed when something bad or unwanted happen to them. So they questioned why as they don't deserve to have such things befallen them.

3. Willingly (as well as willfully) ignorant people who generally considered themselves to be not evil or wicked, and when sorrow and calamity strikes them when they lose someone they loved especially someone young. These are unable to fathom the evil that permeates this social order of mankind of which they are totally a part of, either willingly and directly or in willing complicit, then they would be wickedly surprised that evil will also affect them and cause them suffering and sorrow.

Please read in the blog A Christian Pilgrimage the discussion on the willing and the willful ignorance that made all of mankind guilty of evil and wickedness either directly or through being complicit in the post of the blog The End Of The World Or Not? Part 3’.

None of these people have ever at any point in their lives, in true sincerity ever seek the CREATOR GOD, to know HIM and HIS SON and consequently to enter into the Covenant HE had ordained, mediated by LORD JESUS instituted in the very BLOOD that HE shed to pay the penalty of all human sins that we (all humankind who had ever lived) may receive the opportunity through believing faith to turn from our wicked ways of greed and lust in order that we may gain access to life and blessing forever that is GOD's will for all those who will truly (as opposed to in lying pretense as most to nearly all of the Elect of today are doing) love GOD and truly love good.

But even sadder and much worst than that, today if you think you can believe the testimony of the Christian Holy Scriptures in what it recorded some two thousand and more years ago, that the very Elect and people of GOD by the EVERLASTING COVENANT, the true disciples of LORD JESUS, are all through the same the greed and lust that had permeated and corrupted all of humankind from since the Garden of Edenin self righteous self glorification and self expediency chosen to be unfaithful to GOD and to HIS SON, all obsessed and focused on advancing themselves over the TRUTH testified to in the Scriptures, of the Gospel announced and proclaimed by LORD JESUS, and all testimonies of the faithfuls of GOD. They (the elders and leaders of today) have all cast aside the Truth of GOD that they might glorify and advance themselves exactly as the Jewish religious authorities during the time of the Gospel accounts had done.

The greatest weakness of mankind lies not in their perception (seeing, hearing and feeling) and reasoning (intelligence and understanding). Testifying to the deceitful nature of the human heart (psyche) the Christian Holy Scriptures recorded:

“The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?
Jeremiah 17:9

Mankind basically love to believe lies. This has been happening from since the very beginning when the first family chose to believe a strange talking serpent rather their MAKER and BENEFACTOR.

They chose to believe some animal they know next to nothing about, who have never done anything to gain their trust over GOD who have been with them from the first moment they were conscious and self aware, showing them only good and providing for all their needs and wants (at that time).

And the evil religions that some over three billion people in the world today believe in, as supposedly from this GOD who created of Adam and Eve and all mankind, not a single one among them had prior to what you read here, ever raised the question why the first family would do that. Why would they chose to believe a strange talking serpent and not the GOD who they knew of and who provided all their needs and wants? All these evil religions instead focus on spinning all kinds of ridiculous myths and fables that explained nothing.

Yet some good half of the world population today had totally embraced all the lies and double speaks of all these evil  religions that laid claimed to believing in the GOD of Abraham. And if you think you can believe this author, the very reason nearly all of mankind (the worst of which are all the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of these main three evil religions claiming to believe in the CREATOR GOD) have been given over to lies and evil has been because of greed and lust, especially the greed and lust of ego supergorging.

And that is the specific reason why anyone who considers and believes themselves to be sincere in seeking truth, desiring good and to live a life that expresses the true sincere faith towards GOD, a faith that is so necessary to please GOD, the very first thing they must realized and understand about themselves is their self deception because of the lust and greed of ego superfeeding. This was the very first sin of Satan the Devil while as the Angel of GOD administrating GOD's throne in the Third Heaven.

Consequently this was the sin of every Angel who had rebelled and who have since been bound in chains of darkness awaiting the final judgment when GOD will judge all HIS creation to destroy evil forever from it.

Millions (in centuries past) and billions today claimed that they are the believer, followers and disciples (i.e. Christians) of LORD JESUS CHRIST. Most to nearly all of them were just either brazenly or deceitfully lying to themselves either in willing ignorance or willfull ignorance.

This I have shown in all that I have written in all of my Christian topic blogs. Most reading these blogs will disagree but that does not prove that what I wrote are not true. What prove that my work and words are from the CREATOR GOD, are the words and works themselves. Anyone who would thoroughly and diligently study through the Christian Holy Scriptures without a self expedient agenda or some preconceived ideas (whether from their own reasoning and imaginations or through the indoctrination of the Christmas religions or other evil religions claiming to believe the GOD of Abraham), then carefully and prayerfully put all these together to get the whole picture of what these Scriptures testified to, would (or should anyway) know that what I have testified and expounded are from these Scriptures with nothing added, taken away or twisted, infused with lies, myths and fables.

Further, events soon coming upon this world in the life time of most who read these works of mine will soon reveal that all that I write are truth, as the light of LORD JESUS's return to restore the Kingdom of GOD will fully confirmed.

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.
He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
Revelation 3:20  22

He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.”
“And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work.
Revelation 22:11  12

There is no point to people claiming to believe in JESUS and to believe in the GOD of the Christian Holy Scriptures if they plainly just refused to believe these Scriptures. And there is no point to anyone reading this post and all the Christian topic blogs of this author if they refused to believe the Christian Holy Scriptures.

Make no mistake, mankind, starting from the very first family, never ever had any inclination to believe in GOD much less to trust HIM so let us not even get any idea that mankind (on our own impetus) would ever sincerely seek to obey GOD. Our primary and main intent in every thing we conceptualize in our minds and seek after have always been geared toward and sown from our lust and our greed the very instance after our basic needs have been sufficiently met.

And the Lord smelled a soothing aroma. Then the Lord said in His heart, “I will never again curse the ground for man’s sake, although the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth; nor will I again destroy every living thing as I have done.
Genesis 8:21

Every single man and woman ever since the time after the first family were evicted from the Garden of Eden, those who actually believe and trust GOD to obey HIM are the very rare exception. This is true even from among those who GOD actually led from their birth until HE called to them, having prepared them to be called into a Covenant with HIM.

Moses freed the ancient descendants of Jacob the Patriarch from their Egyptian enslavement with powerful miracles that finally saw the armies of Egypt drown in the Red Sea. But while Moses was out of sight for a few days when he went up to receive the Ten Commandments' tablets, the ancient Israelite immediately turned to idolatry asking Aaron to fashion a god for them out of the items of gold their had plundered from the Egyptians.

JESUS during HIS three and a half years ministry preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom to the Jews in and around Judea spoke to from hundreds of thousands. HE healed thousands and fed ten of thousands who followed into the wilderness to hear HIM. HE handpicked HIS twelve Apostles and around sixty over disciples who HE sent out to preach the same message and in the process to heal the sick and the infirmed and to make well those who were demon possessed.

But when HE was seized by the Jewish religious authorities and brought before Pilate that HE might be put to death, everyone there screamed for HIM to be murdered. All of HIS handpicked followers and Apostles deserted HIM and of the thousands HE had healed and the hundred of thousands who had believed in HIM none was there to fight or plead for HIM.

Even after JESUS rose from death and appeared to some five hundred disciples before ascending to GOD, HIS FATHER, after commanding HIS disciples to stay and be together until they receive the HOLY SPIRIT, only just one hundred and twenty of these some five hundred who actually saw (i.e. were eye witnesses to) HIM alive again, actually obeyed HIM to gather on, and to keep the Annual Sabbath of the Day of Pentecost (aka Feast of First Fruit) according to the Holy Commandments and Royal Laws of GOD.

In the journey of the Church of GOD through the centuries from the Apostolic days recorded as prophecies in Revelation Chapter 2 and 3, each era of the Church invariably ended when and because, the leadership and members became lackluster in they zeal for the work of preaching the message of the Gospel. GOD would then begin a new era in another congregation.

The only exception was the Smyrna administration where the leaderships were mostly martyred by the Romans. In most of these Church Eras, many to most of the membership would slowly but surely embrace destructive heresy and doctrines that took them away from the truth they were called into. Lust and greed are the roots to all sins, the greatest lust or greed is the lust of the self image of which I have precisely worded as ‘ego supergorging’.

Two Questions.

Question one. The most common question that I have encountered with people who talk to me about my belief in the LORD GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is, ‘If there is a GOD why then is there evil?’

Have you ever posed this question to anyone talking about God? Have you pondered this question when your life is affected in someway by distress, torment, pain or harm? Or have you posed that question when you wonder about life and if there is any meaning to it?

Do you know what is the most telling (i.e. revealing) thing about all those who posed this question?

Question two. Many are the questions posed by people about GOD but I have yet to encounter someone who have asked, ‘What must I do to accept GOD as my GOD, to have my life's conduct acceptable and right before GOD?’

Do you know what is the most telling (i.e. revealing) thing about the failure of all those who posed questions about GOD but not a single one at a single point of time in their life even remotely consider this second question?

Here we have two questions about GOD. One of these is actually directed at GOD. The other question is directed at the self. Did you see and understand that?

If you did, then you would know that you are able (i.e. are still intelligent enough to know how) to put two and two together, something all these, “proclaimed and acclaimed” super mega supremely intelligent brilliant geniuses who are the leading experts, defining masters and authorities of every thought, discipline, institution and religion, for some strange unknown reasons very obviously do not know how to. 

They would know how to, if they have not deliberately been pretending to be stupid. And if they have not deliberately been pretending to be stupid, they would have easily understood instead of choosing either to pretend to believe or to refuse to believe the Holy Christian Scriptures in order that they can intentionally malign it in pretended praises, or to scoff and ridicule it, respectively. This they do in order that they can show off to themselves (i.e. ego supergorge to insanity) as well as to all those beguiled by them, that they so supremely brilliant and intelligent.

The first of these two questions is, depending on how it was posed (i.e. asked), is either implicitly or explicitly evil or even both. It is evil because of presumptuousness.

And presumptuousness if you really understood the concept is the attitude of ego supergorgers. Presumptuousness is the attitude expressed by all those who think and behave, showing off to everyone that they already know everything pertinent to an issue when they in reality know next to nothing about it.

It was also the very first implicit sin of Adam and Eve when they chose to believe the serpent, concluding that GOD had lied and was being deceitful acting to deny them good things, when as yet they knew next to nothing

In the post ‘Genesis 3’ and also in several other post where I discussed the sins of Adam and Eve when they took and ate the Forbidden Fruit, how Adam and Eve sinned in robbing GOD, taking what was explicitly forbidden.

Even as robbery is clearly both an evil and a sin, Adam's (and also Eve's) first and most serious sin was breaking the first and greatest commandment.

All and every single member of mankind (including most of GOD's Saints, even after they have been called into a Covenant with GOD) from that time (as also all the Angels who sinned and all those who will sin) until today, are guilty of the sin of presumptuousness.

Of course Adam and Eve did not just break the first and greatest commandment (which expands or elaborates to the first five of the Ten Commandments), both of them also broke the second greatest commandment (which expands or elaborate to the last five of the Ten Commandments), first in robbing GOD (breaking the eighth and also the tenth) they also began falsely accusing (i.e. maligning) others including accusing GOD.

For the discussion of the Saints of GOD and the sin of presumptuousness please read the chapter, ‘Self Righteousness And The Righteousness Of GOD’ in ‘Bible 101 – The Holy Bible Expounded’ by this author. A discussion on the Saints of GOD and their sins and works will also be published as the discussion ‘Sinners Or Saints – Which’ in the blog ‘End Of The World’.

The sin of presumptuousness is living life motivated by or fixated on the lust of the ego in ego gorging and ego supergorging.

It is the sin of thinking of oneself and holding oneself disproportionate to one's reality - which is just as an insignificant spec of dust of a spec of dust (of humankind) on a speck of dust (the planet earth) of a spec of dust (of our solar system) of a spec of dust (of our milky way galaxy) of a spec of dust (of our existential universe).

And that reality for every creature personage is to know and understand that their existence and continued existence is not their own making, not by their own ability and power. A microbe so tiny, minute and minuscule that we can't see with our own eyes, can so easily without even trying (i.e. no willful intents) bring us down to our knees, putting us into days, weeks, months and years of misery or even bring an end to our temporary lives.

The sin of presumptuousness is the most universal of sins, committed by every single member of mankind. Even by young children and babies, a few years after they can speak, only in their case it is not sin because their minds are not matured enough to able to sufficiently grasp (i.e. understand) the concepts of good and evil, or right and wrong, even the concept of extended causes and effects.

Have you ever acted or spoken out against (to oppose) or for  (to support) something/someone, when you haven't enough of the facts to make an informed opinion. When you chose to act or speak on an issue the failure to fully know or in best effort to find out what the complete pertinent facts and truths are, have already made you complicit with evil irregardless of what you spoke out for or against.

You have a power, the power to speak and you used it (i.e. abused it) to advance your view and agenda when you do not know enough. That was the very same sin of Adam and Eve, they acted on their lust to believe the serpent and to disbelieve and to be suspicious of GOD.

That is the sin of presumptuousness. Thinking or believing you know enough about something doesn't make it true that you know what you think or believe you know.

This tendency of mankind to behave, speaking out or acting on an issue as if they are expert enough even when they have not really seriously and even just sufficiently look into the issues, is what I have termed ego gorging.

Even worst than that is knowing full well that they do not really know enough yet they behave to talk or act like they do in order to advance themselves or to advance whatever they wanted to advance for whatever reason. That is ego supergorging (as defined in this work).

If you would not be oblivious to all that have been happening in today's golden age of science, technology, communication and knowledge, you would surely have perceived (as this author has testified to, and clearly proven in all my writings). The most commonly sinned evils is that of utterance, of speaking proudly (defined and termed in this work as ego gorging or supergorging), presumptuously behaving like you know all there is to know, that the sum of all wisdom and knowledge rest with you.

He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8

Some ego supergorgers may presumptuously accused this author of doing the exact same thing making all these pronouncements and declarations in all the blogs of this works.

And that would fully, completely, totally and precisely prove my point. In case you (the readers) do not know in my writings I have made the following abundantly clear:

1. I discuss my faith and worship also commonly and generally known as religion. My faith and worship is in and through the Covenant I have entered into with the GOD of the Christian Holy Scriptures, the Covenant which I was personally and directly called into, by and with the GOD of the Christian Holy Scriptures. This Covenant covers all aspects of the conduct of one's life and living encounters from the context and perspective of interpersonal relationships and motivations (i.e. intents).

2. I write not on my own cognizant. I wrote from my responsibility (James 4:7) in accordance to my Covenant with the GOD of the Christian Holy Scriptures from what I have been given to understand (Luke 12:48; James 4:7), sharing the plain, simple, easy to understand concepts and truths I have learned according to the mercy and grace of GOD.

3 I invite every reader to decide for themselves after they have thoroughly read and studied the Christian Holy Scriptures whether what I say is consistent and true to what these Scriptures had recorded and testified. I invite every sincere truth seeker to research for themselves  both history and the situation of society today.

4. I asked the reader to decide for themselves what and who they would choose to believe.

5. I have presented arguments for the readers to prove or disprove.

6. I make no claims to being anything, of being any expert on anything, such that people should listen to me or believe me. I have consistently presented that all I wrote are just simple things that anyone with average intelligence can comprehend and understand. The choice is entirely the readers to believe or to disbelieve, to research or not to research, to thoroughly read and study the Scriptures or not do anything.

7. I make no claims to be some super totally, completely righteous, pure, virtuous and holy person. I fully admit to being a sinner and an evil person just like everyone else.

My only difference if there is one, is:

do not deceitfully pretend to believe GOD and pretending to love and want to obey GOD while implicitly and explicitly telling everyone to disregard GOD through disregarding any, some or all things the Christian Holy Scriptures recorded;

I do not tell everyone (either implicitly or explicitly, or both) that they are just too stupid to understand the Christian Holy Scriptures and they must totally only listen to me to only completely believe me, when I tell them exactly what these Scriptures is about, is teaching and is commanding;

do not tell everyone (both implicitly or explicitthey all only need to just totally believe me and totally unquestioningly obey me including to give me everything I tell them they must give to me (either directly or indirectly) because if they don't they are sinning against GOD and when they die they are going to spent all eternity being tortured in hell.

From just this little disclosure here, anyone who has thoroughly read the Christian Bible and is truly sincere to find out the truth of what the Scriptures recorded, commanded and taught, they would (or should anyway) be able to recorded, commanded and taught, they would (or should anyway) be able to understand the most fundamental differences between the sincere faithful Christians from the unfaithfully lust driven brazen lying pretenders.

 Section added 20210 C.E. as the appointed things need to come pass first before it can be written

How many of you (the readers) reading this know the meaning of the saying 'the writing is on the wall' or 'the/your days are numbered'? And how many also know that both those sayings were taken (i.e. originated) from the Christian Holy Scriptures?

“And this is the inscription that was written:
Daniel 5:25 ⁣

As the accounts go, in the Book of Daniel, a descendant of Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar succeeded to the throne of ancient Babylon.  On his ascension to the throne he threw a great feast to celebrate. 

During the celebration he commanded that gold and silvers vessels which Nebuchadnezzar seized from the Temple of Jerusalem to be brought so that he and his entourage could drink from them. Then as he drank from them, he give praise to his idols and pagan deities. At the very same hour he was doing his a hand appeared and wrote the words 'MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN' on the wall of the palace. 

Of course as would be expected, everyone present were terrified out of their minds (to put in mildly).

The king cried aloud to bring in the astrologers, the Chaldeans, and the soothsayers. The king spoke, saying to the wise men of Babylon, “Whoever reads this writing, and tells me its interpretation, shall be clothed with purple and have a chain of gold around his neck; and he shall be the third ruler in the kingdom.” Now all the king’s wise men came, but they could not read the writing, or make known to the king its interpretation. 9 Then King Belshazzar was greatly troubled, his countenance was changed, and his lords were astonished.
The queen, because of the words of the king and his lords, came to the banquet hall. The queen spoke, saying, “O king, live forever! Do not let your thoughts trouble you, nor let your countenance change. There is a man in your kingdom in whom is the Spirit of the Holy God. And in the days of your father, light and understanding and wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods, were found in him; and King Nebuchadnezzar your father—your father the king—made him chief of the magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans, and soothsayers. Inasmuch as an excellent spirit, knowledge, understanding, interpreting dreams, solving riddles, and explaining enigmas were found in this Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar, now let Daniel be called, and he will give the interpretation.”
Then Daniel was brought in before the king.
Daniel 5:7 – 13

So the Prophet Daniel was called to explain the meaning of the writing to Belshazzar the king, and this was what he said: 

“But you his son, Belshazzar, have not humbled your heart, although you knew all this. And you have lifted yourself up against the Lord of heaven. They have brought the vessels of His house before you, and you and your lords, your wives and your concubines, have drunk wine from them. And you have praised the gods of silver and gold, bronze and iron, wood and stone, which do not see or hear or know; and the God who holds your breath in His hand and owns all your ways, you have not glorified. Then the fingers of the hand were sent from Him, and this writing was written.
Daniel 5:22 – 24

And the same night after the Prophet Daniel interpreted the writing on the wall for him, Belshazzar the king was slain as his kingdom and empire was overthrown by Darius the Mede (Daniel 5:31) exactly as what was written in the writing on the wall

The Prophesied End Of The Age Is Already Here But No One Has A Clue

Some over ninety years ago because the Messenger to the Church of GOD in Sardis at that time refused to carry out the commission (Revelation 3:2; Matthew 28:19 – 20; Luke 24:47) of LORD JESUS CHRIST to GOD's Church to preached the Gospel of the Kingdom of GOD to the nations despite having the door opened to the nations by improvements in transport technology and communication infrastructure, GOD raised up a man to begin a new era, the Philadelphia era to take the Gospel of the Kingdom of GOD message (Revelation 3:8) to the nations (of the world) as a testimony (Matthew 24:14; Mark 16:16; John 3:18).

The beginning of the Philadelphia era of the Church of GOD was officially the beginning (i.e. the countdown to the end) of the one generational process and event (Matthew 24:34; Mark 13:30; Luke 12:32) in the framework of GOD (for the Age of Man) which the Christian Holy Scriptures termed the Time of the End (Daniel 8:17, 11:35, 12:4, 9).

That is correct, the period or time which the Scriptures called the End of the Age (Matthew 13:39, 49) and also the Time of the End (Matthew 13:39, 49) as the ending part (or tail end) of the End of the Age, is within one literal generation of one hundred and twenty years (Genesis 6:3).

Now if you know when was the official beginning of the Church of GOD in Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7) then you would know just how long (at most) the world still has, before GOD will act to bring this Age of Man to end in the Day of the LORD (Revelation 11:15).

Watch For You Do Not Know The Hour

Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”
And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you.
Matthew 24:3 – 4

From the times after Gospel message began to be preached and especially after the Church of GOD was founded on 30 C.E.*, and the Gospel began to be preached to the nations (as a testimony) starting from Judea (Mark 1:4 – 5; Luke 24:47), the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of (many pagan) religions too began to proclaim the message of an impending end of the world.

Initially it was mostly the Christian (both the fraudulent who plagiarized the name of Christianity then selectively select some of the Christian doctrines, incorporating them to their own personal messages to advance themselves, primarily so that they could pass off themselves off as Christians as the message of the ALMIGHTY CREATOR of all there is, or the true Elect of GOD).

Over the centuries, other (other than those passing themselves off as Christianreligions too, some newly minted ones using selectively selected doctrines (i.e. teachings) of Judaism, the Christian Gospel, other variant beliefs comprising of a potpourri mixtures of doctrines of various pagan religions (i.e. the original Babylonian mystery religion invented by Nimrod and his wife, as all pagan religions have their origins and main doctrine of the immortal soul from it) with some Christian doctrines thrown it whether so as to pass themselves off as Christian, the religion of the Abraham the Father of the Faithful of the Christian Holy Scriptures, or as some great universal religions.

Many of these too incorporate an end of the world message of Christianity but all having their own preferred blends, twists and spins. For one they do not want to be left out and appear to be lacking and deficient. Also a scary message that can scare the crap out of people is definitely an advantageous tool for all these parasites on and of humankind.

Fast forward to today from after the Second World War, and as would be expected of those whose primary focus is to be able to feed on and feed off (i.e. those who are fundamentally to totally just parasites by nature) others, we have all manner of belief systems including even science coming up with End of World messages.

To be sure over the centuries since the founding of the Church of GOD, very many have proclaimed that the world was going to end from within days, weeks, months or a few years. This is from the time when these prophets of doom began the insane lusts fueled "prophecies" that the world was ending soon.

Wikipedia has quite a comprehensive (not a thorough) list of the fairly widely to very widely known proclaimed ones (the operative word is, 'quite'), from soon (a few decades) after the Church of GOD founding right up the most recent ones (as of today 2021 C.E.), and even future ones right up to twenty two billion years from today (2021 C.E.) .

A thing to note (which this work has discussed before in a few of the posts) about dictionaries and encyclopedias are that these are not authoritative sources of anything. They are basically collections of information not knowledge. If you do not know the difference between information and knowledge you can read a brief (implicitly not explicitly) discussion on these in the post 'Glossary of Terms and Definitions' in the blog 'The Holy Bible Expounded'.

It is doubtful that anyone will be able to provide a complete (because there have been just so many of them, some with just a handful, five to ten, of followers) list of these insanity seeded, fueled and driven proclamations (prophecies and predictions) of an impending (from very immediately through weeks, months or years, to centuries all the way to billions of years into the future) end of the world.
For your information (in case you are not aware) this work do not have a prophecy or prediction of when the world will end. Didn't know that did you (those who are the regular readers)? What this work does is just share with those who chose to and insist to read, what the author (has) learned, understand and know about what the Christian Holy Scriptures recorded. So aside from this author, you need to first believe the Christian Holy Scriptures which if you don't then there is no basis for you to believe this author except for what you can discern and note for yourself in what is happening and have happened in the social order of humankind.

It is your (you the readers) choice and decision whether you want to believe this author (in all that this work disclosed and discussed) or not. This is the reason I discussed all that I disclosed (i.e. exposed and revealed) as thoroughly as I am able (not claiming anything beyond that) within my very limited resources, so that you (the readers) can decide for yourself whether these are valid (i.e. logical and rational), correct (as opposed to be erroneous or in error) and accurate (whether truthful and definitive or iffy and unclear). So if you are one of those nutcases who just believe everything they read andor hear, please stop reading any of the discussions of this work and please just go somewhere else to pursue your lust seeded and fueled insanity.

Of course I totally believe that all that I disclosed and discussed to be true and valid otherwise why would I disclose and discuss them, duh! That said I do not expect anyone (not one single soul) to agree with me (i.e. to believe me), and do you know why?
Because the Scriptures recorded as much in Ezekiel 3 verse 7: 'But the house of Israel will not listen to you, because they will not listen to Me'. If the Elect of GOD called by HIM into the New Covenant will not listen, I am not that stupid or delusional to think that anyone else would listen (i.e. believe and obey) except to get whatever they can steal (i.e. plagiarized) to use to advance themselves and they lust seeded and fueled agenda. Already more than a dozen have been explicitly known (i.e. it has come to the knowledge of this author) to have done so; which would just be the tip of the ice berg. A good question would be why would I do so and continue to struggle to do so when knowing hardly anyone will believe (and obey). The answer is in Ezekiel 33 verse 7.
Since the time the Church of GOD in Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7) was established (i.e. the Philadelphia era) to this very day, the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives among the Elect have 'prophesied' that the end was coming (i.e. the End of the Age) on dozens of occasions. But hardly any (and there have been tons since the 'spewing out; and 'Falling Away') of these were listed by Wikipedia. I suspect the total number of end of world proclamations (by all those who manage to gain a following after them however small) easily exceeds ten times the numbers listed by Wikipedia.

Needless to say none of those which were proclaimed for dates up to this day in 2021 C.E. has proven to be true. All have totally failed but that do not stop them from being continued to be proclaimed and continued and even continued to be believed by the worshiping zombied minions of these proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives prophets of doom. This should tell us that all those who proclaimed those dates were just total nutcases (i.e. technically insane). But that has not stopped these prophets of doom, and new ones from sprouting out, to continue to come up with new dates for the world to end.

But that is not the worst and most stupid of it all. The worst and most stupid of it all is that many people (not restricted to just their worshiping minions) still believe them from somewhat to totally.

Don't get it wrong the stupid insanity is not just because they believe all these proclamations of the end of the world, but in that as with those who proclaim them so also with all those who believe them. They either have no (validity from the context of what they based these dates on) idea why there would be an end of the world, or even if they know some fantasized reasons why (usually very very vaguely) they have no real clue as to why it would be for the time (whether days, weeks, months and even some years) that they are touting (i.e. proclaiming), except that they lusted for it to be so.

To be sure the Christian Holy Scriptures (both being the first and the only one for centuries until pagan religions and their founders become familiar with these doctrines from the Christian Gospel message and plagiarized them to formulate the own twisted versions with spins and lust fueled fantasies added in) have from the very beginning of its records (the very first book of Genesis) and throughout consistently prophesied of the End of the Age (i.e. the Age of Man, as well as additionally the end of the current planet earth and current universe after the great Judgment Day).

And that is the whole point. If anyone today is still sufficiently sane and rational (and don't place your bet on that) they would (or should anyway) know that if anyone really want to know if there is going to be an end of the world (anytime soon, meaning within the lifetime of you and your love ones) it should make perfect sense to go to the original, the Christian Holy Scriptures from which everyone else had plagiarized these types of message from.

But of course many of those prophets of dooms actually totally think and believe to hold themselves that they are the definitive (with some even holding themselves as the greatest of the greatest) prophets of the Christian Bible (or Christian Holy Scriptures, with many to most even attributing their dooms day proclamation and message that these are based on what the Bible recorded. With all these so called Christians prophets of doom, that is exactly where all their problem lies.

Firstly not a single one of these who proclaimed themselves as Christian prophets have any real clue that the so called Christian Bible is a very heavily interpreted works and not actually a translation of the original texts at all. Very simply, how can you be an expert on anything when you do not even know the very first thing about it? And sadly that includes almost all of the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives among the Elect of GOD including and particular the first Messenger to the Church of GOD in Philadelphia.

But that is not all, even just the so called Christian Bible alone, all these, mostly to nearly totally, have no understanding of the main messages (i.e. what is it ultimately and also as a whole about) at all.

Let me give you a simple analogy. If you (totally without any navigation aid or technology of any kind) are right in the middle of the Amazon forest hundred of miles from the nearest human settlement or human being, but you totally have no clue that is where you are, how will ever find your way out back to civilization?

Here is another simple thing, if all these are indeed the definitive servants and prophets of the GOD of the Christian Holy Scriptures, how then can you explain why all their prophecies of the end of the world just all totally came to naught? The obvious reason is of course because all these so called end of the world prophecy dates have been just basically and just totally very brazen and very stupid baseless lies. They are not based on the Scriptures except as selectively selected parts and portions that can be twisted and used to say what those who carefully selectively selected them want them to say.

Of course another explanation can be that the Christian Holy Scriptures and the testimonies of an end of the world is just a myth. And indeed there have been many proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives of all kinds of knowledge disciplines particularly those of science (but also those of other religions) who have been proclaiming that all along.

Even as this work have written and presented extensive and conclusive discussions to absolutely prove without a shadow of doubt the validity of the Holy Christian Scriptures as from (i.e. the relayed communiqué from) the ALMIGHTY CREATOR of all there is, you the reader are totally free to totally disagree and disbelieve all that this work has disclosed and discussed.

But of course the question will be asked how can this author be sure that he too is not exactly like all these delusional 'definitive' servants and prophets of the GOD of the Christian Holy Scriptures, and too is just another delusional prophet of doom. That is why the author discussed it for you make up your own mind if this is the case. Just read where this question is discussed in the post 'The End Of The World Part 4' in the blog 'A Christian Pilgrimage' of this work.

Having settle that which of course you don't have to agree, which if indeed you don't it does begs the question why do you insist on reading this work?

What Has Been Happening In The World Today

“Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.
Matthew 25:13 (similarly Matthew 24:42)

Before we get into what has been happening in the world today in especially the last fifty years or so, there is this very first thing to know about what the Scriptures recorded about the event the Scriptures termed or called the End of the Age or World (as in the New Covenant Scriptures) and within it, the Time of the End (as in the Old Covenant Scriptures).

And this very first thing to know about both (actually one event with a few sub categories in it) these events, is the event the Scriptures called or termed the End of the Age (or World) is not about a one, two or a few hours event. Nor is the event: a day, a couple of days or a few days; nor a week, a couple of weeks or a few weeks; a month, a couple of months or a few months; a year, a couple of years or a few years. Nor is it a decade, a couple of decades or a few decades.

It is actually a drawn out event that spans inside of (or within) one literal human generation of one hundred and years (Genesis 6:3; Matthew 24:34) as per the reckoning of the Scriptures.

So frankly, to all the clueless readers who have been following this work (who seeing do not see and discern and do not understand), we all (as this work has been testifying to since in began publishing on Blogger back in November 2009 C.E.), have been living in the generation long event the Scriptures called or termed 'the End of the Age or World' (Matthew 13:39, 40, 49; 24:3; Mark 13:3; Luke 21:7).

Now the second thing to know is when did this End of the World or Age countdown begin?

If you think this work can be believed (and never mind if you don't or won't) the countdown of the one literal generation of one hundred and twenty years, commenced after the Church of GOD in Sardis (i.e. the Sardis era or period) refused to do the work and commission to the Church of GOD which has been all along to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of GOD to the nations (Luke 24:47; Matthew 28:19, 24:14).

That is correct, after the Messenger to the Sardis era of the Church of GOD refused to take the Gospel message to the nations, GOD abruptly ended the era (Revelation 3:2 – 3) and raised up another Messenger and the next era, the Philadelphia era, who was willing to do the work and carried out commission of the Church of GOD (Luke 24:47; Matthew 28:19, 24:15).

So here then you would (or should anyway) know what is coming. And if you have been diligently following this work (in all the discussions and blogs of this work) you would (or should anyway) also know what is coming nextSo then let me call your attention to the two very simple things that I have just disclosed to you about the End of the World, two very simple things that not even a single one of the prophets of doom (of whatever religions and belief systems) from the beginning (of the Church of GOD founding in 30 C.E.*) to this very day, even remotely had a clue about.

If you (the reader) has also been an Elect of GOD by the Everlasting Covenant called either during the previous eras the Sardis era or the Philadelphia, or called during the current and last era whether during the time of the first administration (which was spewed out during the period from 1995 C.E. to 1999 C.E.) or the current administration led by the Worthless Shepherd, and you have been faithfully obeying the LORD's commandment to watch, you would (or should anyway) know that since the beginning of the one generation event of the End of the Age (when the Sardis era ended and the Philadelphia era commenced), that the following events prophesied in the Scriptures of the End of the Age had already come to pass or been fulfilled:
  • The first Beast of the Daniel 7 verse 4 has risen some over seventy years ago.
  • The second Beast of Daniel 7 verse 5 has risen some over seventy years ago.
  • Both the Sardis era and the Philadelphia era of the Church of GOD has come and gone and we are now living in the times of the very last era of the Church of GOD's journey from the Apostolic Age to the End of the Age.
  • The event of Revelation 3 verse 16 began taking place some twenty five years ago after CHRIST spewed out the first Laodicea administration while HE began raising up the second administration to headed by the Worthless Shepherd (Zechariah 3:1, 3; 11:16), until the 'Falling Away' some four years later.
  • The great Falling Away of 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 3 too had been fulfilled when the Man of Sin, the Son of Perdition took control after the death of his father the first Messenger of the Laodicea era for his sin of nullifying the Sabbath and causing the Elect and the Church of GOD to break the Sabbath. The Man of Sin and Son of Perdition then within four years turned the first administration of the Laodicea era apostate fulfilling prophecy of 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 3 some over twenty years ago.
  • Knowledge has increased to the level (Daniel 12:4) where the reality of what the creation is can be fully and absolutely understood such that only the explicitly deliberately stupid will refuse to understand that the entire universe and all that is in in is essentially a build or a construct, a progressive build exactly too is the human world order from that one was basically very ignorant (of the existential realities) and very rudimentarily structured until the last around two hundred years of so before a cumulative progress lead us to a high knowledge based one of today.
  • Lawlessness began to abound some twenty to forty years ago, and will increasingly become more widespread and rampant (Matthew 24:12; 2 Thessalonians 2:7) resulting in more chaos and violence, as more and more of the world's population explicitly reject everyall authority over them, holding themselves as the ultimate authority over all others. 

One of the biggest error and misconception of the events leading to the End of the World (i.e. at the end of the Second Advent which itself is a period of one year) that all the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives prophets of doom proclaimed in their message on the end of the world, is they invariably pick events happening in the world that frightens people into believing them.

Events such as wars (the most common, especially major and large scale wars involving many nations), earthquake and other natural disasters (but only the large ones or when these happen closely together), disease outbreak (with wide spread death such as the Black Death and the Flu pandemic) and lastly (because these happens in places all the time and have been mostly very localized to the poorer less economically developed nations) famine. 

This is because their goal is primarily to frighten people into worshiping them and unquestioningly obey them so that they can feed (i.e. exploit) as parasite on them, all those who believe and worship them as their worshiping zombied minions.

They, the prophets of doom and also their zombied worshiping minions, none of them have been interested to find out what JESUS CHRIST said and taught. They were all looking for things to fuel their insatiable lusts.

The prophets of doom and likewise many to most (but not all) of their worshiping zombied minions, were all just lusting for the world to end, an insane lust no doubt but then again all lusts are basically just that, all fueled by insanity (i.e. functional insanity). We just need to look at the history (all those from after the Gospel of Kingdom of GOD began to be preached to the nations as a testimony) of the human social and especially of today where tons of Hollywood movies (all many others too) have stories of an end of the world theme or those of some near total to total annihilation theme (i.e. where almost everyone to everyone dies in the end).

And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.
“Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved.
Matthew 24:4 – 14

Here is actually what JESUS CHRIST taught about the End of the Age and HIS (second) Coming, when HIS disciples asked HIM about it which not a single one of the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives prophets of doom (as well as of all the knowledge disciplines including all religions and everyone who ever weigh in on the subject) bothered to even remotely understand except this work.

And Jesus said to them, “Do you not see all these things? Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon another, that shall not be thrown down.”
Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”
Matthew 24:2 – 3 ⁣(similarly Mark 13:6 – 8)

Notice that there were three separate questions posed by HIS disciples. That means the answers of JESUS cover three separate time line. because these are not the same event.

First is 'not one stone shall be left here upon another' and the answer to this is 'Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many' (btw, this is not the complete answer as the full answer is distributed through the Gospel accounts as well as the rest of the Scripture of Truth).

Second answer is to the question 'what will be the sign of Your coming'. And the answer is 'Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows' (this too is not the complete answer as the full answer is distributed through the Gospel accounts as well as the rest of the Scripture of Truth).

Before we go to third answer, let me just discuss to clarify what is mean by JESUS in the term 'beginning of sorrows'. Notice that JESUS said that 'these must come to pass' or 'must happen' as part and parcel to the norm of the Age of Man, Were these referring to 'And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.' What do you think?

No they were not and here is why. Because right off from the Antediluvian Age right up to that time (the time of Gospel accounts), death and misery (from wars aka conflicts, disease and famine) had reign over the social order of humankind. Notice that JESUS said about them 'for all these things must come to pass', they must happen as that is the norm (for the Age of Man).

So how then can this be 'the beginning" since these have been happening for thousand of years before that until then and will continue on to happen right up to the very end of the End of the Age. And even beyond that when Satan the Devil will be release after a thousand years (from the time he will be incarcerated after the Second Advent) to rouse up the nations again to war (Revelation 20:7 – 8).

What then does the term JESUS CHRIST called 'the beginning of sorrows' refer to? Well, if you think that this author can be believe (and never mind if you won't), JESUS was referring to 'Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many ' and 'Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.'

This is because the context of reference of the entire record of the Scriptures is always about GOD's focus and perspective. And the very first or primary of this is the Saints (first) and the Elect (second) then all the rest according to the promises of GOD to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (i.e. the genealogical descendants of Israel).

So the point on 'sorrow' is about the 'sorrow' for the true disciples of JESUS, as the questions posed were by them and not the gentile nations comprising the rest of the whole world of nations rising up against nations, and all the natural elements of suffering for the rest of humankind that are the norm since the end of the Antediluvian Age.

So what then is JESUS CHRIST's answer to the second question posed by HIS disciples (i.e. HIS handpicked and appointed twelve Apostles)? And if have not been exactly of the same lusts of wanting the world to end as all the proclaimed and acclaimed Superlatives prophets of doom and their worshiping zombied minions, you would (or should anyway) have all along known the answer. And it is that all those things are not the signs of JESUS CHRIST's coming and the End of the Age'.

Therefore it is clear then that 'many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars', 'nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places' and 'the beginning of sorrows', that all of these are not the signs ('Take heed that no one deceives you', 'many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many'. 'See that you are not troubled' because 'the end is not yet') of the Second Coming or the End of the Age.

So what then will be the signs of the Second Advent and the End of the Age, the last two questions of HIS disciples?

The answer to the last question when will be the End of the Age is simply 'And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come'. But that is just the concisely summarized answer, the full answers (i.e. in all that must first happen or come to pass recorded as prophecies in the Scriptures) are in all that the Scripture of Truth recorded about (on the topic or subject of) the Second Advent, the End of the Age and the Time of the End. And these (all the prophecies as signs) is what this work (in all the of its blogs) have been discussing from November 2009 C.E. to this very day (as well as going forward).

A note on Matthew 24 verse 14: the NKJV's rendition of 'in all the world' if more accurately translated will be 'throughout the whole earth' while that 'as a witness'; if more accurately translated will be 'as a testimony (to convict all)'; and 'to all the nations' if more accurately translated will be 'to every individual (or each and every) nations'. But you don't have to believe this if you don't want to and just absolutely refused to.

And JESUS CHRIST's answer for 'what will be the signs of HIS coming (i.e. the Second Advent) to HIS disciples in this instance (and event) was categorify 'see that you are not deceive'. HE shifted their focus to the things that will affect them which was what would matter to them as HIS Second Advent will not be in their lifetime or the lifetime of any their children (i.e. their generation).

Although I heard, I did not understand. Then I said, “My lord, what shall be the end of these things?”
And he said, “Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.
Daniel 12:8 – 10

He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?” Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, “Do you love Me?”
And he said to Him, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.”
Jesus said to him, “Feed My sheep. Most assuredly, I say to you, when you were younger, you girded yourself and walked where you wished; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish.” This He spoke, signifying by what death he would glorify God. And when He had spoken this, He said to him, “Follow Me.”
Then Peter, turning around, saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following, who also had leaned on His breast at the supper, and said, “Lord, who is the one who betrays You?” Peter, seeing him, said to Jesus, “But Lord, what about this man?”
Jesus said to him, “If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me.”
John 21:17 – 22 ⁣

Therefore, when they had come together, they asked Him, saying, “Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” And He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority. But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
Acts 1:6 – 8 ⁣

Essentially CHRIST's answer to this question of HIS disciples was the same answer which HE as the LORD GOD, gave to the Prophet Daniel. It was HIS same consistent answer to the Apostle Peter when he ask about the Apostle John. The same consistent answer HE gave all HIS disciples when they watch HIM ascended (Acts 1:9 – 11) to the FATHER in the Third Heaven.

Whether it was the Prophet Daniel (Daniel 12:9), or the Apostle Peter (Acts 21:22) or all HIS disciples of that time (Acts 1:8), the consistent answer recorded in the Scriptures (i.e. given) was that it was not for them to know, that their focus should (i.e. were to) be on their assigned work (Daniel 12:9; John 21:22; Acts 1:8) as HIS disciples. And one of the main reasons they should not be concerned was because the event (the Second Coming) will not happen during their lifetime or those of their children, not in their generation.

All those not withstanding, the Scripture of Truth recorded both the signs and timing of the Second Advent and also the End of the Age quite extensively and in many passages (of the Scriptures) very explicitly too.

And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.

The full discussion on what is coming next, the series of events to watch for are in the blogs, 'The End of The World' and 'A Christian Pilgrimage' of this work. The discussion of 'The Beginning Of Sorrows' is in Chapter Four of a (book) project of this author, 'The End Of The World How It Is Going To Happen' of which the first two chapters are currently published in the blog 'The End Of The World' of this work.

Updated: 2021 10 29

Next: Part 8 — The Root Of All Sins

This Discussion Series: Readers' Question: Why Do Innocents Suffer If GOD Is Just
 [1]  [2]  [3]  [4]  [5]  [6]  [7]  [8]  [9]  [10]

Related Reads:
Christianity – Know The Basic
Previous Discussion Topic:  Readers Question Satan Cast Out Satan.

*1 Bible 101 – The Holy Bible Expounded is a book (currently under development) expounding the true message of the Christian Bible by this author. Extracts from this book are available for a period of time at https://www.quah-bible101.blogspot.com/.

If you are a first time reader of this author's work please first read the Contents Warning before deciding if you want to (insist) on continuing reading.

Comments and questions on issues of doctrines, truths and facts raised here can be directed to this author's email found on the main or first page of this blog.. Only sincere non malicious comments and questions seeking clarification and/or understanding will be entertained.

1. Words in italic referenced titles, proper names or quoted speeches where this applies, otherwise these are personal notes to people who are familiar with them. Words in red are meant to call the special attention of the reader to the discussion points.
2. Please refer to the Special Note at the main About Page of this work for the contextual basis of the discussions of this blog. All intending first time readers of this work are advised to first read the content warning before deciding whether they want to continue reading any of this work (please see also the disclaimer at the bottom of this post).
3. The sincere truth seeking intending readers are recommended to study this work beginning with the first post in each main discussion thread (in the respective blog of this work) so as to be to fully comprehend the full context of the messages communicated.
4. Scriptures quoted are from New King James Version unless otherwise indicated. Anyone who wants to prove or disprove what is written here should first read the Christian Bible thoroughly and extensively (from cover to cover at least three or more times) with the goal that of basic reading comprehension, to understand what was recorded. The various chapters and articles discussed here are by no means exhaustive of the doctrines, prophesies, subjects and answers to questions on the Christian Holy Scriptures.
5. The word or term 'man' is used throughout as a reference to man specifically as well as to all mankind (male and female) generally according to the context in the exact same way as the Christian Bible used the term.
6. While the early discussions of this work covered basic foundation doctrines, the later discussions in this work discussed more in depth teachings and doctrines some of which may not be fully comprehensible without first understanding the foundation, fundamental or basic doctrines discussed earlier (before 2014 C.E.) in the various other blogs of this work.
7. For the complete listing of titles of the discussions of this author on the Christian faith and worship (or religion) please refer to the Start or Home page of 'The Holy Bible Expounded'. Also listed in this main posts listing page are the latest published posts of all the Christian topic blogs of this author.
8. The extensively lavish uses of hyperbole and extreme superlatives in this work is intended to highlight the glaringly extreme ego supergorging lust of mankind and particularly near all the Elect of GOD both leaders and lay members, both inside and outside of the membership of the one true Church of GOD in this last days.

© Quah 2012 – 2021. All rights reserved.

All references to GOD (in caps or uppercase), in this site refers to the CREATOR GOD whose original inspired Words are the basis of the Christian Bible, unless otherwise denoted. All other references to the term ‘God’, or ‘Gods’ (without full all caps or all uppercase) are as these terms are generally used by mankind to denote the deity, God, or Gods of their religions and belief systems and thus may or may not refer to The GOD of the Christian Holy Scriptures.
All published information on these Christian topics are targeted at the true disciples of the faith, the Elect, not the false and fraudulent professed believers. Those of other religious faitn and worship who are easily offended by simple. clear and obvious truth are advised not to read any of the blog's entries of this work.
All views, statements and discussions are the personal religious belief and conviction of this author and directed at persons of same faith, religious belief and conviction.
Nonetheless any truly sincere seeker of the CREATOR of all things should be able to related to and understand the topic, if seeking said CREATOR in truth and humility, seeking to understand and to learn.
All those who are not interested in, or not seeking to know the truth should not read materials and articles by this author in his books or blogs as the simple, clear and obvious truth will most probably offend their sensitivity and infuriate them. As such they are advised (i.e. warned) against reading any of this work.
The author is neither responsible for nor does he approve or endorse any advertisement for subscriptions, products or services advertised in this blog space.
Please note that all discussions by this author are based on a general non expert assessment of information gathered from material published in the public domain (i,e, readily available to members of the general public). All of this author's discussions are presented as material for any and all persons with no special expertise. Anyone twelve years of age and older, who is not mentally incapacitated in some ways, would (or should anyway) be able to understand any and all the discussions of this author by following the discussions in the posted chronological order in each blog starting from the first post and first published blog. You do not need to be an expert or a genius to understand the simple and straight forward truths discussed by this author.

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